Obviously, as bodybuilders we must always strive to provide our bodies with a constant supply of healthy, nutrient-dense foods when looking to build muscle.

Unfortunately, with today’s fast-paced lifestyles and longer work hours, we are sometimes forced to grab what we can. When you’re trying to build muscle, eating something is always better than nothing.

In this article, I’ll be revealing the healthiest fast food options and what to eat if you fall short and need a protein fix.

Fast food options for stranded bodybuilders

Portion control

Because fast food is high in calories but notoriously high in fat, the most important thing to do is control your portion size.

By consuming a small serving and following the tips below, you can provide your body with the best nutritional option available to you. This will help you recover until you can get home and eat something healthier.

Adjust your fat accordingly

Sticking with the above, if you are forced to eat out, make sure the rest of your own meals prepared that day are particularly low in fat. Adjust your nutrition accordingly and you can make up for the high-fat “fast food” you were forced to eat earlier in the day.

Selection of drinks

When it comes to carbonated drinks, they are usually packed with empty calories and massive amounts of sugar. They must be avoided at all costs. Like fruit juices, they are also rich in sugar.

Do a Grange Hill on it and ‘Just say no’

The best option is water. If not an option, diet sodas are the way to go. The shakes are the worst. They often contain as many calories from fat as their main meal.

Top 3 of a bad group

1. Chicken skewer

If possible, try to get a grilled chicken kebab. Although they are sometimes marinated, the fact that the chicken is not processed puts you in a good position. Say a big ‘Yes’ to the whole salad, but replace the mayo with lemon juice and say goodbye to Pitta bread. Or at least eat only half. White bread is of near zero value for your muscle building goals. Shish kebabs are your best option without a doubt over hamburgers or fried chicken of any kind.

2. Burgers

Rule number one when it comes to burgers is to ditch the sauces and never add bacon. Mayo accumulates large amounts of fat, while tomato sauce has sugar and often a lot of it.

Choose a whole wheat muffin if possible, and if not, be prepared to ditch the top muffin and think you’re lucky to have saved at least 100 empty calories.

Lose the cheese and just go for a single beef burger.

As for protein, it might make sense for you to double up, but any protein benefit is seriously outweighed by the fat content of the burger anyway.

Instead, eat clean and hearty as soon as you get home.

3. Fried chicken

We already talked about how Shish Kebabs are your best option, but there are times when the only food available has a K and an F in the store title.

Usually this wouldn’t be a good bodybuilding option, to say the least. However, with a little careful planning, you can get away with it.

The first thing is to follow the advice of the hamburger. No sauces and no cheese.

Second, when selecting your chicken, choose grilled if possible. If you must go for the fried stuff, be sure to remove all the skin and batter. You can’t remove all the fat that has been soaked in, but you can lower the total fat content that way.


So there we have it. With informed choices, you can eat junk and still build muscle.

Or at the very least, you can still get some much-needed protein to keep going until you get home and make something decent without consuming too much fat.

Of course, nothing replaces a healthy diet, structured training and adequate rest between workouts.

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