The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are located on each side of our lower back. They act as filters that remove toxins from our blood and then cause the body to remove these toxins as waste through the bladder and urine. The kidneys also balance PH homeostasis and regulate electrolytes, including salts.

Kidney disease affects 5 to 10 percent of the world’s population. Kidney disease involves the progressive loss of kidney function. Chronic kidney disease is believed to be caused by certain toxins (such as chemicals and heavy metals in processed and non-organic foods and excess refined sugar and salt in processed foods). Refined sugar and salt are toxins. Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure are often accompanied by chronic kidney disease.

The holistic approach to kidney disease includes avoiding toxins (i.e. chemicals and heavy metals and refined sugar and refined salt in food, water and beverages, chemicals and heavy metals in body products (i.e. soap, shampoo, lotion), cleaning products, medicines and vaccines). Avoiding toxins will put a much lower burden on the kidneys (which work to remove toxins from the body).

Avoid processed, packaged and junk foods and non-organic foods. These foods contain toxins that put pressure on the kidneys. Instead, eat clean, plant-based, organic whole foods. Drink plain water and herbal tea. Avoid sodas, sodas, and elaborate drinks. Avoid or greatly reduce animal foods such as meat and dairy.

Avoid glyphosate. This is a chemical that is used in herbicides. Glyphosate has been shown to trigger kidney disease. Instead, use natural and organic herbicides.

Detoxify the chemicals and heavy metals stored in the cells of your body with natural products such as parsley and coriander tea / juice (boil water and put lumps of parsley and coriander in the hot water and let it steep overnight), earth of diatoms, colloidal trace elements and dandelion root tea. Drink fresh green juices and eat lots of green leafy vegetables, like kale, spinach, and arugula. Use apple cider vinegar in your salads and put apple cider vinegar in plain water and drink it. Drink lots of plain water. All of this will help detoxify your body. The berries will also help detoxify your body. So eat blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries.

Lower the blood sugar in your body through the plant-based diet mentioned above and daily exercise. Supplements that will help lower blood sugar include cinnamon (especially Vietnamese cinnamon), bitter melon, alpha lipoic acid, vanadyl sulfate, chromium picolonate, and gymnema sylvestre.

It is important to maintain an alkaline PH balance. Eat an alkaline diet (that is, a whole, organic plant-based diet) and drink plenty of alkaline water. Drink plain water, baking soda, and fresh lemon as well to help maintain an alkaline diet.

To improve kidney health, drink pure cranberry juice (no sugar added) along with beet juice and take the following supplements: milk thistle, dandelion root, burdock, remannia, and nettles. The Chinese foxglove herb (Rhemannia glutinosa) is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to strengthen the kidneys.

Stress is harmful to the kidneys as it floods the body with cortisol from the adrenal glands at the top of the kidneys. So relax, de-stress, embrace positive thinking techniques, and learn to be in the moment and in the flow. Use mindfulness techniques, meditation, and deep breathing techniques to de-stress. Supplements that help with stress include magnesium, B vitamins, hawthorn, 5 htp, ashwagandha, dark chocolate, cocoa, and valerian root. Rest and sleep a lot /

Energy healing also helps with kidney disease. So get regular lower back massages and get Reiki healing on your kidneys and sacral and base chakras. Consider acupuncture.

The foregoing is not intended to be medical advice. It is information based on holistic health research. It is a holistic approach intended to be used in combination with conventional medicine. Consult your physician for medical advice.

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