Yuck! What is that smell? Hopefully, it’s not you. While it is true that the vagina is perfectly capable of cleaning itself, there are 3 things you can do to help it. believe me; your vagina will thank you later.

#1 Air it out! When air is limited, your body begins to smell. Think about the areas of your body that are prone to odor: mouth, armpits, butt, and vagina. It seems like the world would be a better smelling place if we all walked around naked instead of smothering our bodies in layers of clothing. To make sure your vagina gets enough air, wear cotton underwear. They may not be your sexiest underwear, but your vagina is more important.

#2 No perfume, please! As already mentioned, the vagina can clean itself. By using douches, scented sprays, and other similar feminine products, you are putting your vagina at risk. These products may claim to be gentle enough for your private parts, but the truth is that they can disrupt the normal pH of your vagina. This can irritate the vagina and cause odor or worse, infection.

#3 Control your taste buds! Although your taste buds may crave fats, carbohydrates, and fast food, refraining from these foods will keep vaginal odor at bay. Unhealthy foods seep through the pores and out of the vagina. Incorporating more vegetables and less sugar in your diet will improve the health and smell of your vagina.

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