Do you have stinking pits and breath? Reaching for your chemical-laden antiperspirant and toothpaste to fix these problems? Now, I’m like the next girl, I don’t want to get stuck in the elevator with the person who stinks, or work next to the guy with chronic BO and bad breath, but conventional deodorants and toothpastes are very dangerous to your health.

1. Say no to aluminum!

Aluminum is what helps block the pores in your underarms and prevents you from sweating. Aluminum makes up between 8% and 25% of most deodorants. There is evidence linking aluminum to Alzheimer’s. The FDA confirms that small amounts are absorbed through the skin (underarms), so people with kidney problems may have difficulty removing aluminum from their kidneys.

2. Say no to aerosols!

Spray deodorants and antiperspirants are very heavy on petrochemicals like butane and volatile organic compounds that irritate the lungs. TRUE: In 2010, AX Body Spray was fined $1.3 million for selling sprays that did not meet California air quality standards.

3. Say no to synthetic fragrances!

I know it covers up the stench, but they’re loaded with hormone-disrupting phthalates and a host of other questionable chemicals. I put some natural deodorants to the test on hot summer cycling days. I want natural but I also want it to work! Here are a few I tried: Tom’s of Maine – Long-lasting protection, not true. It didn’t last 10 minutes. Jason: It’s ‘natural’ but it’s still full of chemicals and it didn’t even last half my bike ride. Avalon – Worked pretty well with a nice minty scent but left yellowish stains on my clothes. Cristal (the small, hard crystal ball): You must first wet the ball and rub it on your armpits at least 20 strokes per hole. It has no smell or sticky texture. But if you drop the glass, it will break.

Now what about those pearly whites? This product not only enters our body, but also our mouth! It’s like word of mouth with poisonous products. There’s so much conflicting information out there about fluoride and whether it’s good for your teeth or something you should avoid at all costs, and to be completely honest, I’m a little torn. As for fluoride in the water, don’t! Eating fluoride is bad for your body, but on your teeth it seems to have some benefits.

4. What about antibacterial toothpaste?

Everyone is so antibacterial these days but we need a balance of bacteria in our bodies and our mouths have 800 different types! You want to kill the bad bacteria in your mouth, but you don’t want to kill the good ones too. Many toothpaste companies put tricloscan in their toothpastes to fight the bacteria that exist in all of us, but is this really necessary? Colgate is certainly good at fighting bacteria, but when a Swedish study found that brushing with triclosum/polymer toothpaste and an expensive electric toothbrush for 3 years “shown no additional benefits” compared with a manual toothbrush with regular fluoride toothpaste.

However, you want to kill the bad bacteria because bad bacteria in your mouth can lead to a whole host of problems, not just bad breath and cavities, but also heart disease and other illnesses.

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