Baba’s holy men and the so-called are the bane of India, and even when the government imprisons two, four others emerge. At a time when public awareness of the Baba’s role is high. cases of rape by these saints do not go down. India’s foremost tantrics, Baba Asa Ram and Ram Rahim Singh, have been jailed on multiple rape charges. News 18 has reported another strange case in which a tantric man named Baba Dwarkanath lured a young wife to his ashram and, after sending her husband to perform a religious ritual, repeatedly had carnal knowledge of his body under the pretense to cure his stomach ailment.

The incident took place at Baba’s ashram in Vrindavan near Mathura in UP, India.

Baba Dwarkanath’s devious plan
The lady who was a strong believer in the powers of Baba Dwarkanath visited the Ashram located in the Mathura district near Vrindavan together with her husband and four year old son. Both her husband and her wife met baba Dwarkanath, and the lady sought her help in curing a recurring stomach ailment. Baba advised the couple to spend the night at the ashram and assigned them a room on the first floor.

In the evening, Baba came to the room with a clay lamp (diva) and asked the husband to come down and stay there until the flame was extinguished. He promised to invoke his powers in the meantime and heal the wife.

The husband duly came down and in his absence Baba pounced on the lady. He followed up with another round and threatened that if she didn’t comply, he would destroy her family with her power.

The lady told her husband that she reported the matter to the police. With a new general awareness, the police sprang into action and, after due investigation and medical examination, booked Baba for rape under the IPC. The case was sent to a fast-track court. During the trial, the lady, for unknown reasons, denied that Baba Dwarkanath had raped her and said that the act was probably committed by someone else.

His evidence was ignored by the magistrate who now sentenced Baba Dwarkanath to 25 years in jail. This is a strict punishment, and Baba’s followers are appalled at the size of the sentence. The police have sealed the ashram.

last word
The case was transferred from the local sessions court to the fast-track court and the trial was completed in four months. The case was heard by Additional District Judge Vivekanand Sharan Tripathi. In addition to the jail sentence, he also imposed a fine of Rs 25,000, and in case of non-payment, the defendant would have to undergo an additional 27-month prison sentence.

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