It’s amazing how important food is to us, especially us yeast sufferers. I think our ancestors would laugh at us how addicted we are to our sweets. I don’t think a caveman would have cared, since the diet we now have to fall back on must be closer to his. So are we just human or are we habitually geared towards a bad American diet that was never meant to be for humans?

What I really miss is being healthy enough to do all the things I used to do. I have had to cancel much of my life in recent years. I’ve missed family gatherings, concerts, time with friends, and the energy to play in the sun. These are the things I really miss.

Sure, I miss some of the food. I was raised on frozen dinners (really bad for us), cereal, Little Debbie Snacks, tons of fruit, candy and more candy, the typical American bad-for-you diet. I haven’t had chocolate in over a year and I totally miss it. I’ve come to the conclusion again (after feeling sorry for myself for not being able to eat a “normal” meal or eat something sweet) that I’d rather be healthy than addicted to these foods that make me sick. Just think how much power we have to stay healthy if we stick to the program!

Some of our “replacements” can be nice, we just have to remind ourselves that it’s a new food and it’s not supposed to taste like, in the last example, chocolate milk. I think if we expect it to be different, but well, it can help us. Just think, our illness is helping us get back to a healthy diet, what we’re probably supposed to be eating.

I love carbonated drink replacement suggestions, so let’s do more of that. I think if we keep talking about what we can have instead of being sad about what we can’t, we’ll all feel a little better, right? I am not saying that we should not think about our sadness about lost food, etc. I can say that this is a form of support, and I am simply suggesting that we all be as positive as we can to get through this and choose good health over our addictions (or habits) to certain foods (mainly sweets).

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