It is important to review the relationship between child development and ADHD. As a child develops, they acquire higher levels of skills ranging from crying to babbling to speech. Even speech becomes more complex as the child grows older.

Professionals are hesitant to diagnose a young child with ADHD because the behaviors also occur in most children as part of their development. If you suspect your child has ADHD, talk to your pediatrician and have your child checked for physical causes such as illness, exposure to toxins or drugs before birth, and other toxins like lead. If nothing is found, you may want to see an interventional specialist.

After several observations, they may decide that ADHD is possible and suggest things you can do to help your child. If your child is older, they can also suggest books, games, and toys that can help her learn to be patient and control her own behaviors.

Most of the time, ADHD isn’t really noticed until your child starts school. The reason for this is that they must follow increasingly complex instructions. The work becomes much more difficult as well.

What you can do to determine if your child has ADHD is to see a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist. Of these professionals, only a psychiatrist can prescribe medication. Your pediatrician may prescribe medicine to relieve your child’s symptoms.

Your child will be given certain tests that monitor his or her ability to follow directions, ability to sustain attention, distractibility, and activity levels. Examiners will also look at how easily your child’s attention can be diverted from the task at hand. Interviews will be conducted with you and, if you are old enough, with your child to see how severe the problems seem to be and whether they are negatively affecting life at home, school, and with friends.

An education plan and a treatment plan will be implemented. Both plans will be reviewed periodically to see if any changes need to be made. The education plan will list the needs and goals that the teacher(s) and the child will meet in a specific time period. The treatment plan includes several things.

Treatment plans for your child will most likely include a trial of ADHD medication, behavioral therapy, and other supports, such as occupational therapy, if motor skills aren’t up to snuff.

Most likely, the medication your child receives will be one of several stimulants. Do they work? Yes, for approximately 75% of the children, yes, they work. They have very serious side effects, including addictive properties. They are known to cause suicidal thoughts or thoughts about death, especially when used in conjunction with antidepressants. They can affect the liver. Other side effects include insomnia, decreased appetite, depression, and increased irritability.

There are natural supplements available that have no harmful effects and are very effective in relieving your child’s ADHD symptoms. They must be performed by a professional and certified homeopathic doctor. They must be approved by the FDA. These supplements are precise formulations of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and botanical extracts. They can be used over time without problem.

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