Construction management is a broad term that deals with several key steps in a construction project. Scheduling, for example, is a management tool that helps leaders make informed decisions about different activities on a site. We often use the terms planning and scheduling interchangeably. However, there is a considerable difference between these two components.

Planning is a general term that refers to a roadmap, a clear path that must be followed in order to complete a project successfully. In construction management, planning consists of dividing a project into definable, identifiable and measurable activities. The next step is to establish the logical interdependencies between these activities. The planning stage generally addresses the following three questions:

  • What are you going to do?

  • How are things going to be done?

  • Who will complete various activities?

  • What will be the expected cost?

Construction projects involve many technical factors that must be given due attention. Only specialized project managers can carry out a project efficiently. A construction task can involve a number of stakeholders with different priorities and interests. For example, plans can exist at different levels: short-term construction plans, long-term construction plans, pre-bid plans, corporate strategic plans, etc. All of these plans address the following four main steps:

  • Divide the work into several activities.

  • Definition of the sequence by which all activities must be carried out

  • Representation of activities

  • Making rational estimates of resources, time, cost, etc.

Each project is different in nature. It is possible that a single person can handle a simple project that only involves a few defined activities. However, most construction projects are complicated; managers have to define and organize thousands of activities. The more complex a project is, the greater the number of activities. Sometimes it becomes humanly impossible to handle thousands of activities without the capabilities of software.

When a project manager has to deal with numerous activities, it is recommended to develop a communication platform where all interested parties can easily access the information and develop an understanding throughout the various stages of construction. The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a common example of how a large plan can be effectively organized.

How do we carry out scheduling in a construction project? There are many techniques and methods for programming. Some of them are the task matrix, network diagram, and balance line programming. Matrix programming is an easy way to manage small projects. Other techniques are designed to handle complex tasks and activities.

Having a trusted third-party project management service on board is recommended to complete complex projects with great efficiency.

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