
You often hear non-believers say that affirmations don’t work. When you understand what an affirmation really is and when you look back on your life, you can only agree with the notion that the right thought and attitude really do make a difference.

Affirmations are often thought of as a conscious effort to plant in the subconscious mind, as well as the universe, a wish or thought about how we would like our future to unfold. While this may be true, there is much more to it than that.

Charting one’s life is more about a continuous thought process than spending fifteen minutes every morning in meditation. Saying affirmations is only part of the process, if we spend fifteen minutes every morning meditating and the rest of the day complaining or having negative thoughts, then the time spent meditating is practically wasted. It’s like taking batting practice for the big game, but not believing you can get a hit. Your negative thoughts have just killed any chance of success that all your practice could have produced.

I see affirmations and thoughts as prayers, we are thinking continuously every day, all day. Our thoughts and feelings are prayers or affirmations. The things we think about are the fodder to feed our future. When you look back, you must realize that the way you thought and acted is what has determined where you are today.

Regardless of our beginnings, whether humble or born with a silver spoon in your mouth, your thoughts have determined where you are right now.

I know that souls experience difficulties in life that create environments that seriously hinder their social and economic advancement. However, many people have overcome extreme difficulties, while others who have had it better achieve very little. In itself, that proves what can be achieved with a positive attitude and correct thinking.

A morning affirmation, or time spent in meditation, sets the tone for the day, can wash away any negativity, and create an environment where one is in the right frame of mind to continue thinking positive thoughts, while developing a good attitude and guides one. the direction to make a positive change in your life.

No matter what life throws at you, you can turn it around. Words and thoughts have power, speak and think carefully and wisely, change your way of thinking and your life will change, maybe not overnight, but it will. Stay consistent and make a daily decision to think the thoughts that make you feel good, positive changes will be seen over time.

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