One of the most anticipated technological advances is the production of hybrid cars. New and improved models are being introduced and they are not here just to save consumers on gas. Caring for the environment is one of the most important factors in the minds of many consumers. As with the introduction of new inventions and technology, questions arise about the impact of hybrid cars on the environment.

The popularity of hybrid cars is increasing. In addition to making a fashion statement or even external support for the environment, driving a hybrid car announces to the world that ‘I care’ or ‘I’m doing my part’ to save the environment. The number of celebrities singing his praises adds fuel (no pun intended) to the pomp and glamor that draws the common masses to join the cause. Increasingly, they are drawn to these vehicles of the future and are intrigued by the fact that some use no gas at all. There will be pros and cons to the impact these vehicles will have on the environment.

One of the negative effects of hybrid cars on the environment is the use of nickel metal hydride batteries. Battery toxicity is one of the environmental concerns. Like the conventional lead batteries used, nickel metal hydride batteries are toxic but less troublesome. Ideally, the lithium battery should be preferred. For now, hybrid carmakers are offering a substantial cash bonus for returning used nickel metal hydride batteries for recycling. Many critics are quick to point out that since hybrid cars use both fuel and electricity, they are still not perfect. However, technology advances every day and we should be able to reach our goal in no time.

There are many benefits to driving a hybrid car. One is because they use less fuel. They produce less smog, thus reducing smog pollution. They run on batteries but don’t need to be plugged in, making them just as convenient as conventional gasoline engines. Gas power only kicks in at higher speeds, leaving most of the work to the electrical part of the engine. This helps save on your monthly gas bills.

More and more automakers are jumping on the bandwagon to produce eco-friendly hybrids. Currently, the Toyota Prius is the most popular of the hybrid cars. Not to be left out, Lexus, Ford and Honda also produce hybrid cars. The popularity of hybrid cars is increasing day by day. The positive impact it has created far outweighs the negatives. Americans are aware of this and therefore are drawn to this hot option when upgrading their cars.

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