Remember that famous quote; “Teach a man to fish, don’t give him free fish every day”, or something like that, well we all know the reality there, so I ask, why do we throw away that wisdom and send giant shipments of food aid to places where we have to bribe corrupt leaders simply to give us permission to do so, allow extortion from terrorists and guerrillas?

Worse yet, when guerrillas hijack shipments or take food, handing it out first to themselves, then to their supporters, then selling it to everyone else to use that money to buy weapons to kill more people and control more territory, who have we really helped? Let’s talk.

Last year, a self-proclaimed know-it-all on the left suggested to me that what we lack to feed the world is the global political will to just go out and do it, and make it happen. Hmm? Really, I thought, you see we’ve tried to do it that way, and look what happened. The problems are still there, now more mouths to feed. So shouldn’t we be teaching people to farm for themselves? Well, often they can’t keep it going or don’t want to, so others come in who will.

Unfortunately, once they start living well and farming plentifully, the restless natives try to nationalize it all, and the massive mobs come and take it feeling justified and emboldened believing it’s theirs for the taking after all, because their leaders said so. No, I would not say that we are missing a lot, I would say that we forgot the wisdom of “rule number one”, that is, the quote that I offered above. That’s why I explained to my acquaintance;

For example, well look what happened when they tried to feed the Zimbabweans. What happened, they took over the farms, drove the whites out, killed the ones that didn’t leave, and then didn’t bother to replant the seeds for the next crop, which did a lot of good. The UN feeds the Africans, then they reproduce more, become less self-sufficient, complain, take up arms and shoot each other.

Why not let them face their own challenges? Do you think it is our responsibility to help people who refuse to help themselves? Create a “one world babysitting government” – to what end – to keep the natives restless. Taming humans is not something I would call staying within “human rights” theory, as it would be more akin to slavery, then economic slavery, then world socialism with 10 billion rug rats. Maybe we need to solve the problem, but without forgetting rule number one?

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