Your due date has come and gone, the hospital bag is ready, and the nursery is ready. However, you find yourself still pregnant and eagerly awaiting your little one to make his debut!

If you’re wondering what to do when you’re past your due date, here are some things to consider:

The due date is calculated as 40 weeks from the first day of your last period. But this is only an estimate, since the actual due date depends on factors such as the length of the menstrual cycle and the exact date of conception, which can vary from woman to woman. Therefore, only one in 25 (four percent) babies are born on the exact due date and about one in five babies are born at or after 41 weeks.

While it’s possible to deliver a healthy baby even when you’re late, your gynecologist will monitor you closely every few days. Natasha, a 29-year-old first-time mother, says: “Despite having a normal pregnancy, I had to be induced during my 41st week when the amniotic fluid level started to drop and it was no longer safe for my baby to stay inside.” Other factors such as the baby’s growth, fetal heartbeat, movements and breathing will be monitored as things can progress very quickly at this stage.

You may get a lot of advice on speeding up labor from well-meaning friends and family. Sameera, who was two weeks late, says: “I went for a brisk walk. I ate spicy food. I did everything!”

If you look it up, you’ll come across tips like exercising, dancing, having sex, and even nipple stimulation! It is best to stay away from old wives tales like these and consult your doctor before trying anything.

In case waiting is no longer an option; your doctor may induce labor. Common practices include membrane sweeping and water breaking. Prostaglandin, a hormone-like substance that stimulates contractions, and synthetic oxytocin (synthetic oxytocin) are often given to speed up labor. In some cases, your doctor might also suggest a scheduled C-section, depending on what’s best for you and your baby.

This is a good time to relax. Use this time to catch up on your sleep. Put your feet up, read and relax. Pamper yourself and spend quality time with your partner because once the baby arrives, you will be too busy.

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