My friend, Bob, seems to be in command of an endless supply of great ideas. Whenever someone has a problem they can’t seem to solve, Bob has a solution. He has also started, bought and sold various businesses; some of whom rewarded him handsomely.

Do you know someone like my friend, Bob?

Most people do. You can say things like, “He has the Midas touch. Everything he touches turns to gold.” or “You seem to enjoy so many great trips together… what’s your secret?”

It all starts with a blank sheet.

Today’s society has conditioned us to constantly wait for a response to a call, message or email. When we are constantly in response mode, we sacrifice our creativity.

What would happen if you turned everything off for 15 minutes or an hour?

Maybe you would have time to think and write down an idea to solve one of your problems.

So why not give it a try! Turn off all your electronic devices, grab a clean sheet of paper, and write down an idea or two.

Earl Nightingale says in his book “Transformational Living” that he keeps pen and paper handy in every room of his home and office to jot down ideas as he thinks of them. ((When he drives he carries a tape recorder to dictate his ideas.)) He doesn’t want to forget any of them.

Nightingale, “There’s never been a monopoly when it comes to getting good ideas, but the number of people who will take the raw material of a good idea and shape reality in the world from it is really small. And it’s also true that Nothing in this world has less value than an idea on which nothing is done”.

Do you write down your ideas daily?

Do you act on the ideas you have conceived?

Victor Hugo, “Nothing in this world is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.”

Do you have a place to think and write down your ideas?

Do you set aside time, each day, to think and solve your problems?

Dr. John C. Maxwell, one of my mentors, said, “When I was younger, my thinking spot was a rock on a hill. Later, I installed a ‘thinking chair’ in my office, which I use solely for that purpose.. These days, I also think better while swimming in the pool. It doesn’t replace the writing time I still schedule. (I just haven’t found a waterproof notepad yet… ) But an hour of swimming laps a side to side, with its silence and rhythm, it gives me just what I need to focus on one or two specific problems or ideas.”

Dr. Maxwell continues: “Perhaps deep thinking and introspection come more naturally to you. Even if it does, setting aside dedicated time for creative thinking will help you be intentional. No one can afford to get on with their lives.” daily waiting for the muse to do it”. Hit her. Instead, she chases her down and takes her down, doing it in a way that works for you.”

Do you have a special place to think and write down your ideas every day?

Do you have a pencil and paper handy or a tape recorder, wherever you are, to jot down or record an idea before you lose it?

Maybe one of your ideas can solve a problem you have!

Do you put your ideas into practice?

Earl Nightingale: “Do you keep a list of your ideas handy? When was the last time you acted on them? Set a goal of picking one idea a week or month to investigate, improve, or act on. See if there are ways to build on the original ideas you generate.

Earl Nightingale says: “Turn your problems into projects.” His friend Parky Parkinson said, changing the word problem to project.

Earl Nightingale’s 4 Simple Steps to Thinking Clearly

1) Separate facts from opinions and analyze the facts.

2) Define the real problem and consider possible solutions.

3) Secure evidence of possible solutions.

4) Weigh the evidence and come to a solid conclusion.

“Whenever a person comes to you with a problem that you feel you should help with, say, ‘Let me think about it. I don’t like to make quick decisions on important matters.”

How will you capture the important ideas that cross your mind each day?

How will you turn your problems into projects?

Do you read books or take courses to get new ideas?

Many years ago, a young man decided that he wanted to learn how to invest in stocks. He bought and read a book by Benjamin Graham called The smart investor ..The young man embraced Graham’s philosophy and system, Mr. Graham became his mentor, and the young man signed up to take classes from Professor Graham at Columbia University. “He even offered to work for the professor for free.”

Benjamin Graham in 1954 hired this young man to work for him at Graham-Newman, his New York investment firm, for an annual fee of $12,000. (In 2021 dollars, $119,131.90 per year.) Graham retired two years later and closed his investment firm.

In 1957, the young man started an investment partnership “with seven relatives and friends who invested $105,000.” ($991,271.86 in 2021 dollars). The young man “investing $100 of his own money.” ($966.89 in 2021 dollars) Eleven years later, in 1968, his investment trust business was worth $104 million ($553 million in 2006 dollars).” (From “8 Attributes of Great Achievers” by Cameron C. Taylor)

This young man throughout his life “continued to apply” Graham’s investment strategies. His net worth today, September 8, is $103.9 billion. This man’s name is Warren Buffett. He is 91 years old.

“Like most other overnight successes, it took about twenty years.”

– Sam Walton, Founder of Wal-Mart

Learning new skills is a process to follow with a mentor modeling how to do it step by step. Many years are needed to master these processes.

What books do you read to stimulate your mind and give you new ideas to achieve your goals?

What mentors, courses, learning have you taken to develop your skills?

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