Interval training is a very important aspect of any training program. Without interval training, competitive runners would hit a plateau where they wouldn’t be any faster, and people trying to lose weight would hit their own plateau where they wouldn’t be willing to lose any more pounds.

How does interval training help you?

Interval training puts your body in debt for oxygen and teaches you what it’s like to run at speeds close to or higher than you expect to run.

You can get your body used to moving fast for a specific distance without having to run the entire distance in one go. This allows you to focus on your form, keep your pace, and teach your muscles how to deal with excess lactic acid and less than full fuel stores.

Running intervals at your race pace allows you to exercise your mind and body. You can get an idea of ​​the pace you should be running at so you can make adjustments if you’re running too fast or too slow during your run. These workouts can also make you stronger and more resistant to the pain and distraction of running at peak performance.

One of the biggest advantages of interval training is that these workouts are also great for burning fat.

The actual number of calories burned during exercise may be equal to or even less than the number of calories that a consistent moderate effort run can burn, but your metabolism kicks into high gear and continues to burn calories for many hours after your workout.

To continue burning fat, you need to make sure to drink some water and eat after interval training; You can keep your metabolism running much faster and longer when your body knows it has the fuel to break down fat to aid in recovery.

If you don’t eat after your workout, your body can go into anti-starvation mode where it will slow down your metabolism and start storing fat to prepare for the food shortage it thinks is coming. A slower metabolism means that not only won’t you burn as many calories, but you’ll also have a harder time recovering from training and repairing your muscles.

A good workout will leave you feeling energized and get you closer to your goals. Just make sure you get plenty of rest between workouts and don’t try to do too much, too fast, or too soon.

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