Microsoft’s DLL file called Hotplug.dll is an important file used to allow “hot-swappable” hardware devices such as PCMCIA and other USB devices to be safely removed from your PC without requiring a reboot each time the operation is performed. Hotplug.dll is the standard file used by almost all device drivers and Windows operating systems to connect and disconnect devices on the computer. Errors linked to this file usually appear when Windows is unable to read and execute the file correctly. Several factors can cause this error to occur, including faulty components of the hotplug.dll file, or problems in your registry. It may also be the case that other programs activate the display of the error. In order for you to solve the problem, it is important that you identify the real cause.

How to fix HotPlug.dll errors

The first step in fixing the Hotplug.dll error is to determine if any of your programs may be responsible for the errors. This is quite easy to do as you will notice the alerts every time you try to run the program. Once identified, you need to remove it from your system and reinstall it afterwards if you still want to use that particular program. To uninstall the program, you need to select “Start” and then go to “Control Panel” and click “Add/Remove Programs” (for Windows XP) or “Programs and Features” (for Windows Vista and 7). From the list of programs that fills in, choose the culprit, and then select the “Remove” or “Uninstall” tab. The instructions will be displayed on your screen and you have to follow the command instructions to remove the program. Once the process is complete, restart your computer. This will remove the problematic program. To reinstall the program, you can download the setup file from the Internet or use a CD/DVD installer.

The last technique to solve this problem is to clean your computer’s registry. The registry is a huge database where vital file settings and options are kept. Windows will access the registry settings it requires to perform its operations every time you tell it to do something (like open a program). Unfortunately, this sector is easily damaged, corrupted, infected, or clogged, making Windows unable to read the necessary settings. If this happens, problems and errors like hotplug.dll error can easily arise. To fix this problem, you need to download and run a registry cleaner program. One of the best is the highly recommended “Frontline Registry Cleaner”. This tool is a favorite of IT industry professionals and has been proven to remove 99% of errors on your system and bring your PC back to its normal state.

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