Most youth soccer players need to improve their movement on the soccer field. The following flexibility tips will help you move better.

First, I recommend soccer players do some foam rolling. Before foam rolling, stand up straight and then crouch down and reach for the ground. See how far you can bend. Next, take a tennis ball and place it under your foot. Rock it back and forth for a minute, then do the same with the other foot. Now stand up straight and see how far you can crouch. You should be able to go further.

Now choose two more muscles that you need to stretch. Place the tennis ball under the tight muscle and roll back and forth on the ball. You may want to use your soccer ball as well. Do the same for the other side. You should feel a difference.

Second, contrary to what I said before…static stretching of the muscles that you ‘feel’ are tense. Hold the stretches for only ten to fifteen seconds maximum. If you have foam rolled into these muscles, there should be a little more flex with them.

Generally, the lower body muscles that are tight are the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, and groin.

Then complete a seven to ten minute dynamic warm-up with movements that mimic the actions of the body in a soccer game. Moves like “butt” kicks, side lunges, high kicks, front lunges, and high knees will loosen up your muscles and prepare them for the demands of the game. With the muscle foam rolled, stretched and heated, your soccer speed will naturally improve.

You can also do stationary dynamic work with a partner swinging your legs back and forth. For this exercise, keep your leg straight as you swing forward, then bend the knee as you swing back. This works to increase muscle length in the hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps, and hip flexors.

You can swing your leg from side to side to stretch your groin muscles.

Now you can start your training with a ball, do your speed work or play.

Completing these drills in this progression will help with your soccer speed. Now that you have a good warm up routine to improve your flexibility, you need a good strength and power program to increase your speed in soccer.

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