Welcome mom!!

You want to learn how to lose weight fast and I’m going to give you 3 foolproof tips that will help you get out of your maternity clothes and back into your bikini in no time!

So sit back, relax, and get ready to get the body you deserve!

Baby Weight Loss Tip #1

I know you hear it a lot, but exercise is very important to lose weight and you have to do it. Now, don’t be mad at me and get out of this article just yet.

You don’t have to go to the gym! Yes I said, YOU DON’T NEED TO GO TO THE GYM!!!! So what should I do? This is simple. You may think I’m crazy, but I promise you this will work.

Pick a boxing show or something similar. Most of my clients (I’m a personal trainer) complain about their arms. Have you ever seen a boxer with limp arms? I do not think.

The best thing about a boxing program is that it tones your arms and shoulders and gets your heart rate up. This will help you lose your baby weight fast and get toned up in no time!

Consult programs such as tea-bo, cardio kick boxing, etc…

Baby Weight Loss Tip #2

Develop a great regimen that will break up your training routine. What I mean by this is that one day you do your boxing routine, the next time you do a workout video that is different, the next time you do something different, and so on…

This will help with many things. Most of my clients have stopped working out because it’s too “boring” so they come to me and we’re always doing something different.

They think I’m crazy, but they love it and most importantly, THEY DON’T GET BORED!! If you’re always trying to find a new way to exercise, you’ll never get bored.

So this is what you do. Take out your calendar and write in the days what you will do.

Monday: Go for a run with a new baby in tow! do 25 crunches after jogging!

Tuesday: Make my favorite Denise Austin video (don’t kid yourself, everyone loves Denise Austin!)

Wednesday: Do my boxing routine – tea-bo, cardio kick boxing, etc…

Thursday: Go bike riding

Friday: do an abb circuit for 45 minutes

Look…it’s not boring and I promise you’ll get results if you put in the effort.

Baby Weight Loss Tip #3

Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition… Now, some of you might love that your “nutrition” is chocolate and ice cream, and while it sounds good, it’s actually not.

Now, you don’t have to be crazy about your diet, but try to make the best choices. When learning how to lose baby weight quickly, this will be the only obstacle. Eat clean and healthy.

I highly recommend finding a program you can follow that teaches you how to lose weight the healthy way, not some crazy scheme!

OK. There you have it, it might not sound like much, but I promise if you do these little things, you’ll be a hot mom in no time!

Learning how to lose weight fast doesn’t have to be a huge struggle, get some programs, stick with them and make it a lifestyle.

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