Do you have a dream for your life? If not, why not? You know, I think we all have a dream about something. We all have things we would like to change in our lives for the better, like having more money, a new house, a new car, or maybe a new partner or spouse. I believe that we all have dreams, but not all of us believe that we can achieve them and actually receive what we want. And I think this is because we don’t think it’s possible. Of course, there are all kinds of dreams, some more realistic than others, but they are all possible. We don’t believe we can achieve our dreams not because we don’t want them enough, it’s because we don’t know how to do it and do it successfully with intentional results.

That’s why I’ve put these 7 steps together in one easy-to-follow plan to help you really identify your dream with such focus and clarity that when it springs into action, it becomes magnetic, literally attracting the right openings, opportunities, and results to you. Thus making your magnetic vision, your dream come true!

1. Identify what you don’t want:

This may seem like an unlikely place to start clarifying your dream, but you have to trust me on this. I want you to take out a piece of paper and start listing everything you don’t want in your life first. You see, to really get clear on what we want, we must first start with what we don’t want. I know it seems a bit counter-intuitive, but we must first identify these things in order for these thoughts and energy to come out. It is important to make a list of everything that comes to mind and in as much detail as possible.

2. Identify what you don’t want to feel:

Now I want you to identify the feelings that are associated with everything you don’t want. Really go into the details again. We want to be very specific here because the truth is that what we don’t want in our lives is really about what we don’t want to feel. We don’t want to feel like we don’t have enough money. We don’t want to feel financial stress or worries. We don’t want to feel like we don’t have enough or that we aren’t loved or valued. Good? So go ahead and take a look at your don’t want list and see what feelings you can find in them that you don’t want and write them down. I promise once you do, you’ll see, you’ll feel so much lighter and freer and ready to take the next step.

3. Clarify your dream, what you want:

Okay, so how do you feel now? Better? Good? Well now it’s going to get even better because here I want you to get out a new sheet of paper and make a list of everything you want in your life. Again, the key to this will be in the details, so be as specific and detailed as possible. Fortunately, there are many good books and resources out there to help you with this part, and I highly recommend them. I just want you to remember to be specific and as detailed as you can. If you can only list 10 goals, that’s fine. Alright. However, if you can list 101 targets, that’s even better. But start where you are now because it will become a living document or list that you can change, edit, and grow over time. There is also no right or wrong way to do it. I think another very critical thing to remember is to not censor anything you come up with. When we censor ourselves, we limit ourselves and what we are capable of achieving. So dream big and list everything you can think of as if it’s actually possible. Take some time with this and have fun.

4. Clarify what you want to feel:

So how was that? Did you download everything? Now this is where the rubber really hits the road. I want you to go through your list and I want you to try to identify what you really want to feel. We did this before with our don’t want’s so you may be getting used to it by now but now I want you to make a list of all the feelings you do want in your life because this is really what we’re after isn’t it? ? he? We want to feel better, more prosperous, rich, comfortable. Or we really want to feel good emotionally or physically, loved and valued, successful and respected. This is the heart, where our power to create, our feelings, really comes from. So think about it, what are the feelings you are really looking for in your life? Make a list and remember again, be as specific as you can and as detailed as you can.

5. List your categories, goals, and timelines:

From your list of what you do want, I’d like you to see what categories came up for you. In general, there are about seven categories that we each have in our lives and they are generally money and financial prosperity, career and profession, material things and possessions, health and well-being, love and relationships, contributions to the world, and fun and leisure. So take each of your goals from your list and put them in an associated category. You can use these categories that I have listed and use for my list or you can create your own custom categories. What feels good to you. Once again, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Now that you’ve categorized your goals, I want you to go through your goal list again and give each one a timeline, 1 year, 3 or 5 years, and 10 years, for when you want or think you can achieve them. This is really important and not always that easy to do. If you’re not sure, that’s okay. Remember that this is a living document and can always be changed and/or edited later. And as for the format, you can do it electronically and use MS Word or MS Excel or just write them on a piece of paper. Whatever is most comfortable and works best for you. This is your life and your magnetic vision and the dream that you are creating. So do what works best for you.

6. Create a 30-day action plan:

So how did it go? Good? I know this is a lot of work, but it is very critical if we are to start creating the lives we want to live. Without a vision, a clear dream with goals, and a timeline to achieve them, it just won’t happen. Again, I know there are a lot of great resources out there that can help you with this, so I won’t talk too much about that. However, what I do want to talk about is an action plan. You see, this is where I think most of us drop the ball. We’re excited, we’re motivated, we’ve got these wonderful goals, our dreams, but where do we go from here? If you’re like me, punch three holes in your document, file it away, and never look at it again for the next 6 months to a year. Good? At least that’s what I’ve always done. Well, the secret to achieving our goals isn’t filing them away or researching how to figure out “how” to do it, it’s creating an action plan. So I want you to go back to your list and see which categories and objectives come up first. First we want to prioritize what we want to achieve first. You can take a look at one or two goals per category or just one or two categories and highlight which goals you want to work on first. Then, once you’ve done that, with one or two prioritized goals, I want you to create a 30-day action plan for each one listing all the things or tasks you think you’ll need to do to start working toward them. . You see, once we start to get into action, the Universe will start to kick into gear and work with you. You start to create forward movement and momentum, and suddenly what once seemed impossible begins to seem possible now because new doors began to open, new opportunities arose, and new people came into our lives to help us. But this only happens when we have a plan and when we are in action working on our plan.

7. Vision and daily review:

So how are you doing so far? So far we have listed what we do not want and do not want to feel. We have listed what we want and what we want to feel, we have clarified in detail our vision, our dreams and our goals for our lives. We have created categories and assigned a timeline to achieve each of our goals. And we also went one step further and created a 30-day action plan for each of our top priority goals that we want to work on first. Cool stuff, right? Well, now, how do we continue to progress on a regular basis? Again, I think this is something critical for most of us and where our ball is repeatedly dropped. We need to keep our dreams and goals in front of us daily, if possible, and at the very least, weekly. This is where I believe vision is critical to our success. We need to see and feel our dreams happen to us and manifest in our lives, and we need to see them daily or as often as possible. You can read your goals and action plan, which is nice. Another very effective and recommended method is to use images and create a vision board that can be hung where you can see it regularly or it can also be portable and something you can carry with you every day to see it. Whichever method you prefer, just know this, you need to keep your dreams and goals, the vision and the feeling of achieving and having them, front and center in your mind. This can and will be challenging at times because we all have “life stuff” that can distract us from our focus. But that’s okay. We can get back on track quickly and with enough clarity, focus, commitment and determination, I promise you, you can do it, you will start to see amazing things happen and one day all your dreams will come true.

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