This article on using nested loops and hypnotic stories as a hypnosis technique discusses all five types of stories. The first is a very brief example. This will be a true life story that should be short and conversational.

The second story is an anecdote. An anecdote is a true life story that involves the use of rich sensory descriptions to establish a complete scene, who was there, where they were, how things happened, what were the causes and effects within the story.

The third story is called direct story. This is a story that will never be presented in a way that can be interpreted as anything other than a story.

The fourth story will be a fairy tale. Fairy tales are stories that almost everyone can relate to on some level because most people grew up hearing them.&

The fifth story to use in this hypnosis technique is another type of direct story that is a hybrid of the genuine story and the made-up story. This can be a direct story in the sense that it is a real event, but it can also have fictional counterparts added to it. the ceiling.

Part two: what to do with the five stories

The five stories are just examples, you can use stories that fit the event, problem or occasion your client is dealing with. You’ll start with story one, partially tell it, then move on to story two, and then story three. The fourth story, the fairy tale, you will tell in full.

After telling story four, go back to a part of story three and then back to the beginning of story five. After that, you will start counting the endings of your stories in the reverse order; first story five, then story three (because story four is already a complete entity), then story two, and finally story one.

This specific nested loop was created with the third story as the focal point. The first and second floors were added at the beginning to make the introduction to the third floor more seamless. You can also add other aspects of conversational hypnosis to these stories as you create them to improve your hypnosis technique.

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