Information empowers. And its power rings true in all aspects of life. As we ride what Alvin Toffler calls the Third Wave, the power of information has been unleashed like never before.

Live, Learn and Play. The order may change in terms of priorities, but these three are essentially the areas of maximum impact of the information revolution. The Internet age has single-handedly changed the rules for almost every kind of activity within the human realm.

At the end of the day, people love to play. It’s no surprise to find that gaming has been one of the most popular activities on the Web since the very beginning.

Here, it is relevant to take a look at the way in which online casinos have evolved and are now emerging as one of the fastest growing areas of the Internet before moving on to the specifics of the subject at hand.

At the risk of sounding repetitive, if one were to capture the development of online casinos in one sentence, nothing could express it better than Victor Hugo’s statement: Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

From the first step to the present, the journey so far has been eventful. Dominance, fueled essentially by the proliferation of the Internet that led to the removal of existing barriers in terms of laws, regulations, and geographic boundaries, has had its pitfalls.

Although gaming has been a part of the internet since the opening of the 1990s, officially, the first online casino opened in 1996. This was made possible by a law passed by Antigua and Barbados in 1994, allowing them to issue gaming licenses. This development is significant because to date a large number of online casinos are using this route to acquire licenses.

The two years from the passage of the licensing law to the first online betting are the most eventful in terms of shaping this domain. This period saw a great deal of activity in terms of developing a better understanding of the concept by regulators and general users and the creation of dedicated software providers. From the very beginning, given their nature and status at the time, online casinos have been prime targets for online crime. This crucial problem has been largely solved by the emergence of Internet security companies that only cater to the unique problems faced by this segment.

And then there were all the legal challenges. The online casino industry has crossed numerous legal barriers in its career up to the present. Although some of the challenges still remain, the worst is clearly in the past and the industry as a concept has now put down deep roots with hundreds of virtual or online casinos.

However, overcoming the problems of the past, the industry may soon face a new obstacle of its own making, if steps are not taken to eliminate the problem immediately. The Abundance Problem – A direct result of the proliferation of online casinos has led to reliability and customer service issues. How is the wheat separated from the chaff? Or more directly, how do we draw the line between a good online casino and a bad one? Although it is not just limited to online casinos, the fact remains that this issue has the potential to mar the reputation of the entire domain and may end up achieving what most laws and regulations have so far failed to achieve.

However, it is encouraging to see that the solution to this key problem lies within. This area of ​​concern can only be effectively addressed by individual customer experience combined with guidance and insight from existing users who have had some experience (the most effective regulatory mechanism yet for internet users). Information obtained from primary and secondary sources remains at the core of this effort to allow users to come to a definitive conclusion about any casino. Here are some tips for new users that might help you have a great time online:

Experiment with several casinos at first:

As a new user, you should be patient to log in to different online casinos and try to rate each one based on the following parameters:

1. Time needed to download a game.

2. The number and type of games offered.

3. Services offered.

4. Incentives like free bonuses.

5. Quality of services.

6.Payment method.

7. Software used for gaming and security.

Some of the crucial parameters to qualify each of the casinos:

1. I go with experience: Established online casinos, such as casinos with a high rating on the top-class casino website, are generally a better bet compared to new ones.

2. Connect: Find a toll-free, live helpline number. Talk to the casino staff using the number and try to judge the quality of the help.

3. Placing multiple casinos next to each other: It is better to log in to a portal like firstclass-casinos, which provides access to multiple casinos, than to log in to a single casino website. In addition to providing your own ratings, these portals allow you to compare multiple casinos faster and in a similar environment.

You can narrow your choice down to three or four sites after some initial work and then proceed to dig for more details or even identify different sites to play different games. This exercise seems time consuming, but the fruits of patience have always been sweet. Also, if you’re a serious online gamer, you don’t really have much of a choice, do you?

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