Bringing home a new dog or puppy can be an exciting and fun time. There is no doubt that your current dog is already considered a member of your family, so expect no less from his new arrival. However, it is important to remember that dogs are pack animals and have a very different mindset than humans. We can easily welcome a new human family member or friend into our homes, but dogs can become territorial or even nervous in the face of such a situation.

The anatomy of a herd

Because dogs are pack animals, ranges must be established. In the wild, dogs can roam in packs of up to 15. Each pack should have a leader. They are in charge of protecting the herd and controlling resources. How do packs of dogs establish a leader? In the wild, dogs will normally fight for position. The leader is the “alpha” male or female and the second in line is the “beta” male or female. The most submissive members are called omega. The alpha male or female eat first, get the first selection of mates, and claim the best resting areas. Each time a new member is introduced to the pack, the ranks must be reset. This is why so many dog ​​fights occur when introducing a new dog or puppy to a resident dog and why having a strong human pack leader is so important.

Introducing your new dog to your current pet

Introducing your new dog to your current dog can be a potentially dangerous situation if not handled properly. You cannot expect, or assume, that things will go smoothly between him or her and your current dog. Many people believe that you have to let the dogs work things out for each other. Sure this works sometimes, but when it goes wrong, it can go really wrong. Enlist a friend or family member to help you with the introduction, and try the following technique to familiarize the two puppies.

Start in unfamiliar territory. The initial meeting should take place outside the home and in an unfamiliar area. Parks are great for this because there are so many distractions and smells. Dogs can also roam if they prefer not to be around each other. The idea here is to prevent the resident dog from becoming territorial. A puppy will generally adopt a submissive position, such as lying on his back or rolling over. This allows the adult dog to investigate the puppy and see what it is about. Two adult dogs can act a little differently. Let the two of you sniff each other and pay close attention to your body language. Try not to let them stare or sniff each other for too long, as this could turn into a fight. After a short introduction, grab each dog’s attention and give them a simple command (“sit” or “stay”). Once the order is obeyed, give him a treat.

Walk together. If the initial introduction goes well, try walking together. Be aware of their behavior and only allow them to sniff at each other at intervals. Make sure your tone of voice is positive and continue to use the command / reward system.

Watch body postures. We cannot speak directly to our dogs, so it is very important to know what their body language indicates. In many ways, it is the only way we can know what our dogs are thinking or what their thinking is. If your resident dog is participating in a play arc, this is a great sign. He or she is inviting the new dog to play. If the new dog performs this behavior, keep an eye on how the resident pet reacts. Watch for the warning signs of aggression. This includes creeps, showing teeth, grunting, or staring. If you notice any of these signs, separate the two, catch each dog’s attention, and direct their interest in another direction. Give them a simple command and reward them for following that command. Continue introducing them to each other in short intervals until these aggressive signs subside.

Bringing the dogs home. If the introduction goes well, you can take the dogs home. Always, always monitor your behavior. If you notice any signs of aggression, separate the two. You can put one in a box and one in a separate room, if necessary. Make sure to stick to the same routine you had before the new dog came home. This means keeping the same times for eating, walking, etc.

If you are having trouble familiarizing your new dog with your resident dog, it may be best to seek the advice of a professional. They are experienced in this area and can help resolve any issues you are experiencing.

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