Chattanooga to Greenville SC may not look that far on a map, but it’s 243 miles of rugged terrain and scenic beauty. Most extreme cyclists trying to bike across the United States think they are a bit tough and yet once they get going we find out just how tough we really are. May I recommend that you put your peddler where your mouth is and do this leg of the trip across America in one day; Why just one day? Well, because you can and because there aren’t as many accommodation options down the road.

The route itself is fairly easy to negotiate; basically stay on Highway 76 to Dalton, GA and continue on Highway 76 through all forest and state parks. Yes, it is very picturesque so start at sunrise to see it all and enjoy it all. Unless you are a world class rider, you cannot do this only during daylight hours. And expect your average miles per hour to drop dramatically from what it perhaps used to do. Expect to be up and pedaling on these hills too. This is the journey and training from hell.

There are plenty of good scenic rest stops along the way, but don’t get too comfortable or use up all your supplies too early. When you finally get off the heavy ground in Mountain City (track) and Clayton, GA, you’ll head into South Carolina and hit Westminster. And I hate being a masiciest, but then it’ll go back up a few more hills on Hwy 183 to 123 and it’s all downhill to Greenville, SC. If you can do this trip in one day; then you are a true hardcore cyclist. Consider this in 2006.

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