Low carb desserts can be a solution to your sugar cravings.

Still, being addicted to sugar seems to be a national pandemic, and the sweet stuff lurks in the damnedest of places, like whole-grain produce and breads, vegetables, and even healthy low-carb foods.

Even those who don’t eat a lot of sweets can get the inside scoop on low-carb dieters everywhere: sugar withdrawal.

Fortunately, the intense urge for sweets lasts only a few weeks on the Atkins, South Beach, Caveman, and other carbohydrate-restricted diets. And low carb desserts can at least give your tongue the flavor it craves.

Sugar is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It’s delicious and satisfying and it’s pure evil: it wears down the pancreas and causes dangerous diabetes.

Here’s what happens: When you gobble down meals that contain a lot of high-glycemic foods, your blood sugar spikes. In response, the pancreas sees something wrong and produces insulin, which lowers glucose levels in the bloodstream.

If your blood sugar is too low, you are plagued by strong sugar cravings, which starts the cycle all over again. This happens more and more frequently and enters a pre-diabetic state. Eventually, your overworked pancreas simply burns out and can no longer ooze insulin.

Fortunately, you can stop this sequence by restricting your intake of high-glycemic foods, or in other words, starting on a low-carb diet.

Still, your sugar craving won’t go away overnight. And with sugar-laden products tempting him everywhere, he may experience addiction-like cravings from time to time. Low carb desserts can help.

Planning is the ideal way to deal with the craving for sugar. You can prevent low blood sugar levels by making sure you eat a balance of fiber, fat, and protein. This can be accomplished by dividing your meals into five servings and eating regularly.

You can literally whip up a sweet treat from carb-free heavy whipping cream and carb-free artificial sweeteners. Add some low carb flavoring and you have a creamy pudding-like delight. Freeze it and you have fake ice cream.

Other helpful tricks from Atkins, South Beach, Caveman, and other low-carb diets include keeping seeds, nuts, cheese, and hard-boiled eggs on hand to help you balance blood sugar levels. Don’t forget that those hard-boiled eggs can also be turned into delicious deviled eggs!

These days, low-carb desserts include delicious sugar-free chocolate, which is just as good, creamy, and satisfying as your standard chocolate bar. Just be careful to watch your carb intake, especially if you seem to be hitting a lot of plateaus.

Another trick is to make sure you add a good daily multivitamin to your diet. Sometimes a nutritional deficiency, such as a lack of magnesium, zinc, or chromium, can trigger a craving for chocolate and/or sugary sweets. You can avoid some cravings if you take a daily supplement.

But the best solution? Low carb desserts!

Enjoying a low-carb or no-carb substitute for your favorite sugary meal can be very satisfying when you’re feeling deprived. There is a variety of ice cream, yogurt, candy and sugar free chocolate, even pancakes with maple syrup!

There’s no doubt that sometimes intense sugar cravings will be a part of restrictive carb diets, but you can banish them with the help of these low carb tips and desserts!

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