Everyone knows that in today’s fast-paced world, it can be difficult to achieve that naturally beautiful face and look good at all times. Many women who have professional occupations need to look professional and know how to do their makeup properly, but where is the time to do your makeup when you have a husband and two kids to take care of? Most women just can’t pull it off, and don’t bother, but I’m telling you, with a few tips, anyone can look stunning at any time of day.


1 Where to start.

First of all, you will need to buy some basic items like a moisturizer, mascara, cheek blush, and eye shadow. Don’t spend too much or blindly shoplift when you’re in a hurry to get to work.


2 Dry Faces.

Above all things, skin moisturizer is what any skin needs. You don’t want to have a dry face, hands, or body if you want to look good. If you don’t want to put on the other basics, just give your nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead a little rub.


3 Take your time with a damp sponge.

Now take a damp washcloth or a wet sponge and spread the makeup until it blends with your skin. Watch out for your chin, jawline, and hairline; do not rush to apply makeup, as this will take a lot of time. Remember rubbing makeup from top to bottom means you are exposing wrinkles.


4 No multi-color eyeshadow.

Another beauty tip is to not use multiple colors of eye shadow. Multi-colored eyes aren’t too attractive and you’re not running for America’s Next Top Model. Your goal is to look good in short periods of time; make sure your eyes are surrounded by makeup and are only seen occasionally.


5 Get closer to your eye.

Apply just a little bit of eyeshadow on your eyelid and obviously don’t let it get into your eye. Then add a small amount of cosmetic lash enhancer to your lids. Your eyes now look spectacular!


6 Turning Red.

Next, you should apply a small amount of blush to your cheeks and brush it towards your ears. Adding lipstick to your lips doesn’t hurt either, knowing that you can leave satisfied and prepared for what lies ahead.


In less than five minutes, you should be able to apply all the makeup you want, as long as you follow these tips. Remember that it is not how much you apply, but how you apply it.

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