The value of weight training for weight loss and getting rid of man boobs is totally underestimated. If done correctly, lifting weights can be just as effective as cardio, if not more!

Muscle is metabolically very active at rest, so…

“The more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn while sitting around doing nothing, even while you sleep!”

When you do cardio alone, you not only lose fat, you also lose muscle. So if you don’t do weights to rebuild that muscle, your metabolism will slow down and you’ll have to eat less and less and do more and more cardio to keep losing weight. That’s one of the reasons yo-yo dieting is so common: it gets harder and harder to lose more weight and we end up giving up and gaining all the weight back as a result. So the best and easiest way to achieve permanent weight loss (or more accurately, fat loss) is to incorporate weight training into your routine. Lifting weights the way I’m going to show you has an added benefit for losing those man boobs too, because it causes an increase in testosterone levels.

“What kind of exercises should I do?”

Initially, it’s best to start with the 4 main compound exercises: deadlifts, squats, bench presses, and bent-over rows for the back. These exercises make use of the largest muscle groups in the body, and each exercise uses many muscle groups, not just one. As a result, there is a high demand for calories, not so much when you are exercising, but more so during the huge repair and growth phase that occurs after exercise.

“How many sets and reps should I do?”

Mike Mentzer’s high intensity training is the way to go. He recommends only one set of maximum intensity training, where you do one set of just 3-5 reps with the heaviest weight you can, making sure to go to total failure. Don’t do more than 2 of the compound exercises a day, which makes for only 15-20 minutes of total workout time per day. Lifting heavy weights for low reps is great for getting rid of man boobs, as studies have shown it increases testosterone more than doing 3 sets of 8 with moderately heavy weights.

“Should I exercise every day?”

NOT! Try it if you want: exercise every day and you will soon realize that despite all the effort, your muscles do not grow at all. When you exercise, your muscles are damaged and then have to undergo repair before they can grow. If you don’t give them time to repair themselves, they will never grow. Train a maximum of 3 days a week.

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