“Now let me get this straight: you want things you don’t have yet, people in your life you don’t know yet, and events that haven’t happened yet, so that once these ‘things’ come to pass, you will feel happy, confident, and fulfilled.” ; fulfilled, desired and appreciated; treasured, adored and as a beautiful sight to see?

But… wasn’t that the reason for all the other things you wanted and now have?

Green light!

The universe”

Yes, life is a cycle. We are born, we live our lives and we die. On each headstone you see the year of birth-year of death and basically the eulogy is shared with the people who knew the deceased and how he lived his life in DASH. Like everything else, we observe, we wish to have, at some point we get it, and once we do, we look for something else to achieve. It is a constant process that puts many on the verge of suicide, because it seems that we are never satisfied with anything in life. It is a constant search for what we call temporary happiness, until something better comes along and we need to get it. Like many avid iPhone users saving up for the new X version, they wait in life for 2 or 3 days to pay $1000 of their hard-earned money to trade in their perfectly working phone to meet so-called limited happiness. . Once they get their new device with apps they’ll never use, they go back to using the phone for basic calling, texting, and internet use.

So here you keep dreaming and receiving, but the result is always the same. Your happiness does not depend on obtaining the object, but rather on the anticipation of achieving the goal. If you manage to stay in that state of constant euphoria without spending $1,000 for no particular reason, you will stay in your happy state and accomplish more spiritually than materially. We always want more, but not for the reason of living in a bigger house or having nicer cars, but rather because of the feeling we have that we were able to achieve our goals. Happiness is felt from within and many have various definitions of happiness. It’s not always about how many digits you have in your bank account, but rather how generous you are to others who don’t have the ability to be like you and how motivated they are to achieve their dreams in life.

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