Most people will admit, when pressed, that they have a temper. Each individual has a different degree of anger within them and it often comes to the surface when things go completely wrong. In a marriage that may differ slightly. Some women, who have been married for a while, seem to have a hard time keeping their anger a secret. They spend their days with a frown and a bitter word for almost everyone, including their husband. Being married to such a woman is not easy. In fact, it can make staying married much more difficult. If you’re tired of trying to deal with a wife who always seems to be mad at you, it’s time to make some much-needed changes. That doesn’t necessarily mean you should consider a separation, or more seriously, a divorce. It means that you need to take more control of the situation and change your wife’s mood to a more positive place.

Focus on where your anger is rooted

It is very easy for a man to incorrectly conclude that his wife’s anger stems from his dissatisfaction with the marriage. That’s not necessarily what’s going on at all. Many women, like men, go through a period of their lives when they feel unhappy. They feel that their dreams have not been fulfilled or they sense that they will never achieve their goals. Many people refer to this as a midlife crisis, but it can actually happen at any time in a person’s life.

Obviously, the most direct route you can take when you want to find out why your wife is so upset is to ask her. This has the potential to backfire in such a way that she will become even more exasperated with you. That is why you must be direct about it and compassionate. Just say, in a very non-threatening way, that he has noticed that she doesn’t seem as satisfied with her life as before. Tell her that you care about her happiness and that you wonder if there is anything you can do to help her. She may initially be afraid to talk about it because it will make her feel vulnerable. Just be understanding and don’t put pressure on her to discuss it.

If she has no interest in talking about what is causing her anger, drop the subject. You have to get to the bottom using your own perception. Observe her more closely in terms of when she seems most irritable and what triggers seem to set her off. Also, take note of whether or not she seems upset with others or if her outbursts are strictly directed at you.

Take on more responsibilities to help

A very common reason why women get angry within their marriage is that they feel they have to shoulder most of the responsibility of raising the children, as well as taking care of the home and everything that goes with it. Many women complain that they try to discuss this with their husbands and find that nothing changes. Over time, a woman may resent the fact that she has to take on more responsibility for the family, and that resentment will manifest as anger.

You can talk to your wife about what she needs help with, or you can take matters into your own hands and start helping willingly. One area where all women appreciate a little extra help is meal preparation. If you are not available to prepare dinners, you may be able to help prepare lunches for the children early in the morning or do it the night before. Washing clothes may seem like a complicated task, but it is not. Doing a few loads of laundry for her wife each week, including folding and ironing, can definitely help her feel a lot less pressure.

You just need to go ahead and do things that you know will lessen the to-do list your wife faces on a daily basis. If some of her anger stems from her stress level, you’ll probably notice a change in her attitude almost immediately after you start helping her more.

Offer to be your personal sounding board

Every woman needs a safe place where she can confide her feelings. Ideally in a marriage you want to be this person for your wife. Part of her fighting her anger may stem from dissatisfaction with her career or perhaps from a fight with a family member or close friend. Offer to listen if she seems worried about something. Be sure to make it clear that you are not there to tell her that everything is going to be okay or to offer your opinion unless she asks you to. Instead, explain to her that you want her to feel like she can tell you anything. If she feels that she needs a sympathetic ear and you offer to be one for her, it can drastically change the dynamic of your marriage.

If part of your frustration in life is your marriage, be willing to work with her to make it better. It’s incredibly difficult not to get defensive when the person you love criticizes your role as a life partner. However, the first step to improving any marriage is to put all your cards on the table so you know what you’re dealing with. How you handle any conversation about your connection can make or break the future of your marriage.

Be open, be compassionate, and be as patient as possible as you help your wife work through her anger issues. If he can be there for her as an unbreakable tower of emotional strength, they will both come out of this stronger and more committed to making her marriage better, happier, and healthier.

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