Dry gangrene in iguanas is a condition that results from an infection. If the infection is not treated, it causes tissue death. Most lizards develop dry gangrene on the toes or tail. So what exactly causes this condition?


Most iguanas suffer from dry gangrene due to injury to the affected area. A common situation is having your tail stepped on, which can damage your blood and nerves. Improperly shed skin can also cut off circulation to the toes or tail and lead to gangrene.


This disease is easily noticed. Dead tissue will turn black or brown. It will also dry out and become hard and brittle. As the condition progresses, these symptoms will extend to the toe or tail. The affected area will probably also feel soft to the touch.


Dry gangrene in iguanas is a very serious disease. The affected area will need to be amputated to prevent the infection from spreading further. If caught in time, the tail or toes can be amputated without much complication. If the disease has already progressed, it will be necessary to amputate higher which will cause more bleeding and require more stitches.

Amputation of the affected area is only the first method of treatment. Antibiotics are usually necessary to help fight infection or secondary complications. You, as the owner, will also need to care for your iguana’s wound until it has fully healed.


Since traumatic injury is one of the common causes of dry gangrene in iguanas, you should do everything in your power to prevent it. You also need to make sure there are no shedding problems that can allow dead skin to cut off circulation. It is better to check on your iggie regularly.

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