The ancient Greeks had a relaxed attitude towards masturbation, viewing the act as a normal and healthy substitute for other forms of sexual pleasure. They considered it a safety valve against destructive sexual frustration. Masturbation in both his art and writing was called anaphlan, which roughly translates to “fire.”

Diogenes, speaking jokingly, credited the god Hermes for his invention: he supposedly took pity on his son Pan, who longed for Echo but could not seduce her, and taught him the trick of masturbation to ease his suffering. Pan, in turn, taught the habit to the young shepherds.

It is also believed that Prometheus was punished for not only literally bringing fire to humans, but also for anaflano. This offended the gods who wanted humans to multiply and not exercise anaflan. The secret masturbation technique of the Olympians was eventually lost and then rediscovered again.

I have long had doubts that the Platonic school, the Academy of Athens founded in 387 BC. C., homosexual activity was allowed. The assumption that the greatest minds of ancient Greece practiced homosexuality didn’t bother me nearly as much as that they were homosexual, much more the oddity that the culture of discourse was believed to be strongly tied to the analysis of anal pleasures as a species. of effective synergy.

The schools were definitely exclusive and only for men; however, due to general mistrust and ignorance in the public eye, rumors found their way and the research institute became known as a place for the seduction of students. Now the school did not protest, because a greater secret had to be kept.

Sex still plays a big role in that den of male lust; however, this rather different platonic relationship did not involve interaction with other men.

Women were excluded, homosexuality a farce; and then what was this art of sex, if it can be called that? Anaflan.

It was believed and in some exclusive circles it is still believed that sexual intercourse drains virtually visible energy or stamina, which are the same energies that are used to drive intellectual stimulation, thus intercourse causes procrastination. The basic objectives of primitive man revolved around the satisfaction of basic needs to procreate. Sexual intercourse, being the epitome and confirmation of success, would thus satisfy the inner urge of the man and make the man “cool”. This represents a threat to changing civilizations, which were not necessarily fear-based societies. (Fear that also makes a civilization “advance”) Following the reasoning of the Athenian Academy: A) Man needed sexual relief since nature has constituted man in this way and B) Sex requires a great amount of energy, the preparation as in courtship, the act itself and all the unnecessary drama that surrounds it, and the frustration if it is not received at the desired time. Since they believed in human evolution through the mind, this posed quite a challenge, if not a contradiction.

Therefore, the intermediate relief system was developed or rather recreated from mythological times. He refined masturbation in such a way that it mirrored the orgasms of sexual intercourse, but omitted the drama and superfluous energy destroyer (in rare cases, the restorer), the sexual partner, thus minimizing the energetic/intellectual drain on brainpower, and provided a revolutionary hands-free approach.

Man no longer had to get his hands dirty and deal with the white aftermath, thus regaining a clean mind and clean hands.

Scholars believed that there was no such thing as uncomplicated sex with a partner over a long period of time, since marriage was and is believed to be a concern, and since prostitution as a means is not without consequences, the mastery of masturbation was of great importance. significant importance. The man’s sexual satisfaction was fulfilled and the baggage of irrational dependency was removed. The male academy would be free of wasteful desires and could then make full use of its newfound independence for the advancement of civilization.

This great secret was kept within the doors of the schools; however, it was also written and has resurfaced as new challenges arise in accommodating population dichotomies. Plato’s Anaphlan Technique is not primarily intended to become a population solution, but rather to explore new unisexual possibilities for the new man or woman.

The secrecy that surrounded it possibly had a lot to do with the effect it could have on society as a whole. (Other theories revolve around the notion that it was ritual and only reserved for an inner circle.)

If the art is practiced correctly, men and women will eventually become sexually independent of each other. Allowing to redefine the interaction between men and women and the concept of family. The laws of society will be rewritten and the millennial patriarchal government will cease to exist. As the time has come to alter the course of history and possibly liberate larger sections of society and possibly contain unnecessary reproduction, this secret will be revealed to all races, colors and creeds.

The secret of sexual independence has been written in the Book of Mannousakis. The next translation will be a shortened version of the ancient Greek into the current world language and only contains the vital and relevant information. The origins of the Mannousakis Book and that the secret technique of masturbation originates from the Academy are debated. Some consider it a modern hoax, others argue that it may have originated in Atlantis, noting that it was Plato who first revealed Atlantis; both parties, however, acknowledge that the technique is highly effective, easy, and revolutionary.

This secret knowledge will be revealed to the public on this website. [] on 08.08.2008.

The complete Mannousakis Book will not be revealed until 2012.

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