ATLANTA, GA, February 20, 2006 – If you think learning Spanish is only for high school students or international travelers, think again. Consider these statistics:

o Spanish and English are almost tied as the most spoken language in the world. As of 1999, there were 332 million Spanish speakers, compared to 322 million English. (

o Hispanics are the largest minority group in our nation at 39.8 million, an increase of nearly 13% since 2000. The Latino population is expected to increase by 188% to 102.6 million, or about a quarter of the population by 2050. (US Census Bureau 2004)

o The Hispanic population grew faster in Georgia than in any other state in the nation between 2000 and 2002, at 17%, with 102 Hispanics moving to Georgia each day. The Atlanta metropolitan area experienced the fastest Hispanic growth rate among the 20 most populous metropolitan areas in the country. (US Census Bureau, September 2003).

o In 2004, Georgia was one of the ten states with the largest Hispanic markets ($10.9 billion). (Selig Center for Economic Growth, 2004)

o Atlanta has 21 periodicals and 9 radio stations that focus on serving Latinos in Georgia. Univision and Georgia TeVe are Spanish-language television stations that also serve Atlanta. (

Do you still think you will never need to learn Spanish?

“When I started giving private Spanish classes over 5 years ago, I mainly worked with public health professionals, people preparing for a vacation in Latin America or Spain, and students who needed extra help in their courses. Today, I work with executives and engineers, writers and retirees—everyone has noticed how learning Spanish is quickly becoming a necessity in Atlanta,” says Jennifer Casado, owner of CharlarUSA, a Spanish academy that emphasizes a conversational approach to Spanish complemented by activities that teach students about Latino culture.

If you decide that learning Spanish is for you, here are 6 tips to build your strategy:

Tip No. 1: Set realistic goals: Carefully consider the proficiency you would like to achieve, as well as the time you have available to learn Spanish. Do you need to be fluent, or even conversational? Or do you just want to be able to call a taxi and order food during your next visit to Mexico? Learning a foreign language won’t happen overnight (they call it “foreign” for a reason!) and becoming fluent will require a long-term, consistent commitment on your part.

Tip No. 2: Think about your learning style BEFORE you invest: Whether you plan to buy a set of CDs, workbooks, or tutoring sessions, do your research! Books and CDs won’t help you learn if you don’t use them.

If you are a “visual” learner, buy a workbook before investing in CDs. If you have a long trip, buy CDs to listen to while driving. To ensure personalized attention, please contact a tutor or academy who can guarantee a small class size and can answer your individual questions.

Tip No. 3: Start Slow: After you’ve determined your initial strategy, give it a try: If you decide to take classes, sign up for one and see if you like it. Perhaps you would like a less structured approach or more personalized attention. To supplement your classes, you can ask your instructor or classmates for recommendations, or borrow CDs, videos, and/or textbooks from your local library to try before you buy.

Tip No. 4: Go for it! : The key reason to learn a foreign language is to COMMUNICATE. Join Spanish language clubs or an academy like CharlarUSA that organizes activities where you can practice outside of the classroom. If you actively apply and use what you have learned, even if it is just at your local Mexican restaurant, you will greatly speed up the learning process!

Tip No. 5: Keep it up! Learning a foreign language is like a ladder: sometimes it may seem like you’re not progressing, and then suddenly you’ll jump to the next rung. If you feel like you’re stuck, it might be time to adjust your learning strategy (more listening comprehension, less grammar, etc.). Please discuss any concerns you have with your instructor so that your program can be adjusted.

Tip No. 6: Finally, have fun! Learning Spanish can open many doors for you, teach you about other cultures, and even help you better understand your neighbors, co-workers, and friends. Make sure you ENJOY it and reward yourself for all your hard work!

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