My son comes from a long line of bed-wetters. I can’t count the hours of sleep lost since I woke him up to go to the bathroom. I can’t count the number of rooms I spent washing the sheets. The pediatrician told me not to worry because the bladder doesn’t mature until 7 years old. She would invite her to help me carry the sheets up and down four flights of stairs every time I wet the bed. Personally, I had better things to do with my time every night after work than wash the sheets. She would rather invest my time and money in a home business and spend quality time with my son at the park so he can expend his energy.

I learned from a video called Fed up with children’s behavior by Sue Dengate, that food coloring and other chemical additives irritate the bladder and cause hyperactivity and aggression. I learned from my preschool that there are simple exercises that integrate a primitive reflex called the Galant spinal reflex. So, I put my whole family on an additive-free diet and did the worm exercise with my son.

The bedwetting finally stopped completely.

So, my son broke his arm. His bone pierced his skin, so doctors prescribed antibiotics while he was in the hospital. He received two IVs filled with antibiotics for a small puncture wound.

At the hospital, he was constantly waking up to go to the bathroom because he was in a drip after surgery.

When we got home, he started washing the bed again.

Even if I took him to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he would still wet the bed.

Then he developed a high fever and developed an ear infection and conjunctivitis.

The doctors prescribed more antibiotics.

(It took a roomful of doctors and nurses nearly an hour to find an antibiotic without artificial colors.)

I found out from the Dianne Craft cd behavioral biology that antibiotics cause fungal overgrowth and reduce the body’s defenses and cause ADHD behaviors such as hyperactivity and aggression. Previously I had been giving my son acidophilus tablets because he was very hyperactive. But, since we started an additive-free diet, I hadn’t relied as much on probiotics.

Finally, when he was too sick to go to his birthday party, I took him anyway and let the fresh air, sunshine, and good friends cure him of his misery. From that moment I decided that he would not continue with the antibiotics.

I doubled up the acidophilus tablets and served him kefir shakes to cleanse his system of antibiotics and disease. Acidophilus tablets contain milk-loving bacteria that breaks down the protein in milk and restores a healthy balance of flora in the intestine. Cultured dairy products, such as kefir, yogurt, and cheese, contain lactobacillus acidophilus, as well as other cultures that help the body control the overgrowth of candida albicans and yeast infections.

A couple of days later, he stopped wetting the bed. She didn’t get sick again either. I exposed him to as much fresh air and sun as possible to keep his spirits up and keep him active.

Then when she went in to have her splint replaced with a cast, the doctors wanted to prescribe more antibiotics.

SO THAT?!! For the operation, they said. I nearly fell off my steak. Antibiotics to cut a splint and cover the arm in a cast?

I declined the recipe. My son has been waking up dry and healthy ever since.

So think twice before giving your child antibiotics. Check with your pediatrician. If you decide to use antibiotics, consider using acidophilus and cultured dairy products, such as kefir, yogurt, and cheese along with antibiotics. Be sure to ask for a variety of antibiotics without food dyes. There is a generic version of amoxicillin that comes in a white chewable tablet that tastes like sweet tarts.

Traditional societies have used cultured dairy products for centuries for health and vitality. So it makes sense that we should too. Continue acidophilus use, especially after finishing a prescription antibiotic to restore the balance of healthy flora in the gut. Make cultured dairy a part of your family’s daily diet.

Stop wasting time and hard earned money washing sheets. You could be working from home and investing in your future with all the time you spend changing the bedding and washing the sheets. You could be enjoying quality time with your peaceful son who used to be an ADHD kid.

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