Are you trying to lose weight but can’t? Or do you want to put on a few pounds but can’t, even after eating a lot of calories? Then it’s time for you to check your thyroid hormones. Your weight problems may be related to abnormal levels of thyroid hormones in your blood. In addition to being underweight or overweight, these abnormal hormone levels can also make you lethargic or hyperactive, bored or anxious, depending on whether your hormone levels are high or low.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped glans located in front of your neck. It secretes thyroxine, an important hormone that has an effect on most organs in the body. When the thyroid gland produces too much or too little thyroxine, it affects normal body functions. When thyroxine is produced in excess it causes hyperthyroidism and when it is less it results in hypothyroidism.

About two percent of the general population has hypothyroidism, where the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is decreased. Factors such as obesity, lack of exercise, and stress can increase the risk of hypothyroidism. Symptoms that a patient with hypothyroidism will exhibit include weight gain, fatigue, drowsiness, swelling of the legs and ankles, joint pain, constipation, feeling cold, dry skin, menstrual problems leading to infertility, and muscle cramps.

Here are some dietary tips to combat hypothyroidism:

• Raw cabbage, soybeans, cauliflower, radish greens, mustard, broccoli, legumes, bajra, peanuts, and lentils are considered goitrogenic (goiter-causing) and should therefore be avoided or be consumed in limited quantities.

• It is important to look for options when eating out since cauliflower and broccoli are widely used in salads; mustard is used in East Indian dishes and peanuts in most Maharashtrian dishes

• It is very important, therefore, to avoid these items or eat them in moderation, say once every fortnight or so.

Hyperthyroidism is a disorder of the thyroid gland in which an excessive secretion of thyroxine occurs with the consequent increase in the metabolic rate. Exophthalmic goiter or toxic goiter or thyrotoxicosis and Graves’ disease are different manifestations of hyperthyroidism. A patient with hyperthyroidism will experience signs and symptoms such as weight loss, rapid heartbeat, restlessness, irritability, hyperactivity, lack of sleep, tremors, heat intolerance, muscle weakness, menstrual disorders, swelling around the eyes, swelling in the neck, diarrhea, and increased body temperature.

These are some dietary tips to combat hyperthyroidism

• A liberal diet providing adequate calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals is indicated because patients become severely malnourished as the basal metabolic rate (BMR) increases, thus increasing the caloric requirement

• A diet rich in vitamin A, B complex and C should be increased to twice the daily requirement. The combination of legumes and wheat sprouts will enhance the B complex and C vitamins

• Foods rich in carotene such as papaya, mango, and fenugreek leaves will ensure vitamin A supplementation. Carotene will be converted to vitamin A in the body.

• The excretion of calcium and phosphorus is greatly increased in the urine. Therefore, foods rich in calcium and phosphorus like milk and milk products, dark green leafy vegetables and ragi should be a part of your daily diet.

• Quitting smoking, moderating alcohol consumption, limiting caffeine found in tea, coffee, cola and chocolate can lessen the intensity of symptoms as these habits can increase metabolic rate

Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, exercising several times a week, and getting fresh air and relaxing are activities that will help you feel better. Healthy living is an important part of recovering from thyroid conditions. These suggestions will also help prevent future problems. Take care of your weight as well as your thyroid!

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