There isn’t a woman or man I know who doesn’t want a flat stomach or who doesn’t want to lose 10-50 pounds of belly fat. Society and lifestyle choices have made obesity a real concern for Americans. The fast-paced lifestyle and our western diet have made us an obese nation. Our diet is where we should start when dealing with weight loss and belly fat. A recent survey by a popular health magazine called Prevention asked Americans if they could change any part of their body, what would it be? You guessed it. 67% said their belly! We obviously have a problem with belly fat.

Calorie counting is old school. Yes, it still plays a role, but in the last 3 years, research and studies have shown that what we eat, when we eat it, and in what combination, plays a bigger role in fat loss than calories and exercise . When we eat has become more adjusted to what foods are eaten during a 7 day cycle instead of a 24 hour cycle. We have also learned more about the effects of food and our metabolism. For example, perhaps an 80-calorie grapefruit requires 100 calories of energy to digest.

I think there is no one answer to losing belly fat. One has to combine all the available facts and act on what one has learned. You need to be physically active, anything is good, some things are better. Walking is a physical activity, this is good. Basketball requires more physical effort, so basketball is better for burning fat than walking, but both are beneficial for health and fat loss.

The first thing we have to do is recognize what we are eating. Our bodies and minds have been programmed by genetics, society, education and different factors to believe and accept what is. not so We don’t have to say yes when asked if you’d like to enlarge that. We don’t have to think that because mom or dad is overweight or has diabetes, we have to too.

Find a meal plan that explains why you’re supposed to eat what the plan says and what the benefits will be for your goal of losing belly fat. Remember that every day new studies and scientific research are carried out to combat obesity. If a meal plan sounds strange, it’s okay to be pessimistic, look for credentials like, did a professional develop the meal plan, what do doctors say about it, if you have to pay for the information, is there a guarantee that it will work? and is the company associated with the BBB. A wise old man once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t… you’re right!

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