The endocrine system is a series of glands that secrete and produce hormones that promote growth and development, regulate metabolism, reproduction, sexual function, tissue function, mood, sleep, and much more. Our endocrine system plays a vital role in regulating and controlling various bodily functions to promote healthy bodily development throughout life.

Many chemicals, both man-made and natural, have the ability to mimic our body’s hormones. These EDCs trick our bodies by acting as “hormone mimics” to stop our original body hormones from doing their job. This is related to various immunological, brain, reproductive, developmental and other problems.

EDCs can be found in many common products, including containers, metal food cans, plastic bottles, detergents, toys, cosmetics, pesticides, and flame retardants.

Some EDCs have been found to decrease or increase blood levels of hormones by altering the way they are created, broken down, or maintained in our bodies. While other EDCs can change our body’s sensitivity to various hormones, leading to numerous complications and health disturbances, such as abnormalities in the sexual organs, fertility and sperm quality, early puberty, endometriosis, immune function, nervous system, respiratory problems, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, certain types of cancer and many more.

Common EDCs

* BISPHENOL A (BHA): This chemical is most commonly used to make epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics, which are prevalent in many plastic food containers, beverage liners, and other plastic products.

* DIOXINS: This highly toxic chemical is a byproduct of paper bleaching and herbicide production. It is also known as the “dirty dozen” and is often released by burning waste and garbage.

* PERCHLORATE: is both a man-made and naturally occurring chemical that is most commonly used in the pharmaceutical, weapons, and aerospace industries. This chemical can migrate from the stomach and intestine into the bloodstream after oral exposure, through drinking water with perchlorate.

* PERFLUOROALKYL AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES (PFAS): This man-made chemical is widely used to make many types of everyday products, including nonstick pans, textile coatings, paper, and fire-fighting foams.

* PHTHALATES – are a family of chemical compounds most commonly found in cosmetics, food packaging, medical devices, and children’s toys. They are present in many everyday products that we use, as well as in the food that we eat.

* PHYTOESTROGENS – are compounds that occur naturally in a wide range of plants. These compounds are most present in daidzein and genistein, which are included in soy products such as soy milk or tofu.

* POLYBROMED DIPHENYL ETHERS (PBDEs): These are toxic industrial flame retardant chemicals commonly found in household products such as carpets, furniture, mattresses, and electronics.

* POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCBs) are a group of man-made organic chemicals that persist in chemicals and products commonly used to make hydraulic fluids, plasticizers, lubricants, heat transfer fluids, and other electrical equipment.

*TRICLOSAN: can be found in some personal care and antimicrobial products such as soap or bath gel.

Connection between EDC and leptin resistance

Leptin is a type of hormone that occurs naturally in our body. It is primarily responsible for sending signals to the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, to regulate a person’s food intake and control body weight. This hormone is often referred to as the “hunger hormone” or the “satiety hormone” due to its ability to suppress food intake and induce long-term weight loss.

This hormone works by informing our brain that there is enough fat in our body, which will lead to reduced appetite and allow our body to burn more fat and calories in the process. It also helps with the regulation of blood sugar levels, as both insulin and leptin share some common effects in regulating food intake and energy metabolism. Furthermore, according to a study conducted by Jackson Laboratories, leptin can regulate a wide variety of endocrine dysfunctions, immune disorders, and other body weight problems.

Since these endocrine disrupting chemicals have the ability to trick our body into mimicking certain hormones like leptin, these endocrine disrupting chemicals can affect the hormones that regulate body weight and metabolism, making losing weight a serious struggle and can eventually result in obesity.

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