The new movement of thought that took place under the aegis of theorists like Ernest Holmes spoke in favor of a value-based social structure, where an individual would be in the seat of power. The movement was for rational thought and a rational attitude towards life and the denial of concepts such as magic or reincarnation. The theory supposed that one’s rewards in life are directly related to one’s contributions toward accomplishing his mission. The theory, like the law of attraction, works in methods such as developing a positive outlook, meditation, affirmation, and affirmative prayer. All the methods suggested by the new thought movement and the law of attraction are aimed at making an individual aware of the powers of it and helping their dreams come true through the correct application of positive energy.

The law of attraction is a school of thought that states that a person’s thought process, emotions, and attitude influence their life. The theory explains that we are capable of achieving notable changes in our lives, through the effective management of thought and the correct use of our positive energies. The law of attraction also assumes that a strong adherence to an optimistic way of thinking can also help overcome negative situations in life.

The law of attraction is often closely associated with new thought theories and the two are similar in many ways. New Thought theory refers to a set of religious ideas that emerged under Phineas Parkhurst Quimby in the United States towards the end of the 19th century. The theory is inspired by the transcendentalist philosophy and believers preach monism and the use of prayers and affirmative thoughts for the fulfillment of their purposes. The theory operates on a scientific way of thinking that focuses on positive thinking and a belief in individual abilities. Both the law of attraction and the new theories of thought agree on the power of the mind to create reality.

The new theory of thought, like the law of attraction, places the individual above society and goes one step further by speaking out for a value-based society where the individual mind is the driving force behind all activities. .

The Law of Attraction parallels the New Thought Theory in speaking out for positive thinking and mental integrity. Positive thinking leads to adopting a positive attitude towards life and this is reflected in changing circumstances. He who points out the pros and cons of every situation is able to make the best of even an unpromising condition. The ability to learn from failure by adapting a positive mental attitude helps to overcome drawbacks by turning them into strengths. Positive thinking, which is one of the main tenets of both the theory and the law of attraction, also underscores the importance of strong mental integrity.

Mental integrity or unity of thought, in light of the theory, implies a feeling of trust and belief in one’s own thought. Both the law of attraction and the new theory of thought suggest that we must have a complete understanding of our desires, the ends we wish to achieve, and the means to achieve it. Therefore, you are in harmony with the law of attraction and are in favor of self-analysis and examination along with transparency of thought and action.

The goal or end, according to the law of attraction, aims to achieve our maximum happiness through the use of our mental powers. The theory of the new thought, on the other hand, transcends universal goodness, which implies that the individual contribution leads to the fulfillment of a cosmic end. This again points to those collective efforts, which is a combined work of all individuals leading to the realization of a mission, which may seem impossible to achieve otherwise. Therefore, the theory, which is a common association with the law of attraction, is similar to it in several aspects and is also an extension of the latter.

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