Sometimes I feel this way: let’s blow everything up and start over in some other universe. Nuclear explotion? All-encompassing bioweapon? What is the most destructive thing we can do? Well, I didn’t say I’m like that, though. I just meant that sometimes I get so frustrated that I feel this way. Now to the body of the article: However, my true inclinations are at a very deep level: I just want to live in a world that actually makes sense all the time. That is all. Where survival depends on how honest and serious you are, not how you can slit throats and manipulate your way as cunningly and “sneaky” if you know what I mean.

What I mean by sly and “sneaky” is this: meet the used car salesman who dishonestly gets rich selling the best-marketed “useless gadget” on TV, even if it’s a Don LaPre or Tom Vu book. . Even politicians are like that (especially politicians) with their “vote for me, and I’ll free you, lower your taxes, give you money, and make it all done genuinely” “I promise” type of stuff. If you are reading this article the way I intended and fully understand what I mean, then you are understanding what I meant in the first paragraph as a sentiment, a joke, and lastly a metaphor. In fact, unreasonable people seek power anyway, the power to wield the ultimate weapon if rational people don’t fully fear and obey them, and note that I put the word “fear” first, because that’s not what all destructive and bullying people do. Do you want more than anything that people fear them and obey them like God? Yes.

Now, I’m not going to pull off a televangelist Benny Hinn “say amen with me now” thing, but the reality is, in my opinion, that if we want a rational world, we have to earn it from scratch, it’s not a given really. So again, I say the Mark Spitz quote from 1972: if you want to win, you have to train. The same with a rational society and its habits. The irrational seems so easy and fun and exciting at times, that we have to train ourselves to want the boring rational, like children who want sweets instead of vegetables, even though vegetables are better for them. I admitted that, as a child, I was guilty of feeling this way, although I cooperated with my parents’ wishes by training myself to want what I wanted. is good to me about what is bad. Do you want the Post Company Shredded Wheat cereal or the Post Company Fruity Pebbles Flintstones cereal? I ate the Shredded Wheat, but I admit when I ate that “good hay that was better for me” but tasted like wheatgrass, I wanted the bad fruity pebbles until I felt better the next day, I used the toilet with no results. strange and had more energy. At this point, I can give and take rationally and I understand it, but my problem is that more people have to want what’s good for them, that’s all. No nukes! Naturally good food instead.

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