There is a war in the streets, the battlefields, the Internet and in the hearts of the minds of people around the world. It is a new form of war in which different groups seek to destroy each other not through traditional warfare, but through asymmetric and indirect geopolitical tactics that defy imagination. Western leaders are quick to turn and point the finger at the current phenomenon of ISIS and other groups without really trying to address a much deeper aspect and root causes of this global crisis.

Why are educated young men and women with high academic degrees, members of high-level communities, simply willing to flee in hordes to join these groups?

There is a single intact theme that lies at the core of modern Western society, barely mentioned in this global conversation. In recent decades, society has been deprived of any ideological thought or socially significant issue that could justify existence and capture the hearts and minds of young people. It has been a series of decades in which the world was fed with an ideology, the doctrine of consumerism unleashed, orchestrated, financed and imposed by the West in most of the world, often by force based on the misery of billions. .

The West and its leaders have taken this senseless path, totally disregarding local cultures, ethnic traditions, or social conventions, which often do not share so-called Western values. This process was further accentuated with the fall of the Soviet Union, so that the idea of ​​maximum consumption, quick satisfaction and material gains would ideally fill the heart, mind and spirit of all people, anywhere in the world. For these new leaders, ownership of an I Phone translated into social and economic development and the extension of the Internet to individual and political freedom. Unfortunately, the facts on the ground and the data paint a rather different picture.

This misrepresentation and attempt to impose the will of a few in the lives of many is the fundamental cause that has created so much anger, frustration and disenfranchisement for a significant part of the population that they feel trapped in this global circus, made in the United States / West. This is where these new groups are now filling the void in this growing mindless Western ideological void. In fact, it is a potential cause easily perceived by many as a meaningful path worth joining, with values ​​closer to the heart and further out of the wallet.

When the West is eager to label the recent beheadings horrible, barbaric, a question arises. Why do we never hear these same expressions during attacks like; Shock and awe, drones against civilians, Congo, Libya and now with the daily attack on the Syrian civilian population with hundreds of thousands of people coldly killed, innocent men, women and children and world leaders simply keep silent. Obama, personifies this utter lack of ideology and leadership, with his series of empty statements of red lines that were crossed several times and the so-called leader of the free world did absolutely nothing. It is a modern version of Nero, while the world is on fire, he goes out to play golf. Never before has ancient Rome been so relevant to today’s reality in the West. Tens of millions of refugees are now displaced around the world. Last year, the United States shamefully accepted 400 refugees from Syria less while Norway accepted 40,000. Now Europe is unable and unwilling to accept the thousands of migrants who drown daily in the Mediterranean Sea … so much for the so-called Western civilization and the values ​​of human rights?

The world seems to be lobotomized with so many crises raging across the planet, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and all we hear on the news is obscene corporate profits and the Wall Street uprising, which now rules the world and the American. . electoral and judicial system. A corrupt and incestuous economic power that is based on the misery of billions in countries like Vietnam, China, India and many others that have also succumbed to this capitalist tsunami under the new name of globalization.

Western elites, corporate and media barons have deliberately barred the world from any new ideas that would somehow improve lives with one exception: increasing the consumption of material goods at any cost anywhere. And that includes drugs, human trafficking and slave labor that affects societies around the world. The Internet, a new frontier, is now 60% infested with gambling and pornography, not to mention the dark web. Businesses now dictate what we see, think, and do by underlining the ridiculous virtual universe that has occupied minds and spirits with insane production out of thin air. A series of ephemeral creations disguised as social networks, electronic devices and new social medicines that are now at the very center of modern society, with little or no progress for the well-being of all humanity and the planet. Most of the information is now controlled by a few and manipulated so that people consume more and surrender their individual freedom.

And it is here once again, in this desert of ideas and ideals, where the West finds itself fighting with bullets and ideological machetes without equivalent ammunition. There are not enough drones, bombs and armies that can overcome this challenge of the heart and mind of this new generation. The West is stuck in the old corrupt and decaying systems that cannot rise to this new era. Just look at the current American candidates for 2016, it’s all déjà vu. Can anyone really expect any real change from Clinton or Bush?

There are so many lies that this new generation can absorb and goods that it can consume. This is where ISIS and other ideological groups differ; they are faithful to their cause and ideas with a very efficient network to convey their messages, not their assets. This is a magnet for the minds of young people regardless of whether you are an extreme Muslim, a xenophobic fanatic, a right-wing Republican or an unemployed person on the streets of Detroit, Paris or London. In the West, the current leadership is now basically focused on maintaining the status quo through policies to sustain the enormous economic inequalities in the global economic jungle fueled by the so-called QE – Quantitative Easing, another time bomb that it hopes to explode as it did in 1998. 2008 and nothing was changed.

The West is addicted to old habits, unable to cope with this new era of massive change. He keeps lying constantly, spinning others around with his old mantras of freedom, democracy, individual elections and human rights while supporting and financing corrupt brutal regimes, treating them like kings with his close economic ties without regard for any labor or human rights exploitation like for a long time they are willing to return the profits to Wall Street.

The latest attacks in France, the US and Tunisia are really just the beginning of a long war for hearts and minds that the West cannot win because of its lack of ideals with a solid moral direction to fill this ever-widening void that led us to this series. of attacks on innocents around the world. The West seems lost, reluctant and unable to face this new reality. The new Ipods, the new Facebook, the new applications, and whatever form of entertainment or material rewards they may create will not address or solve the core problems of this modern challenge; the need for a new global social and economic order with more just and decent human conditions for all the people of the world. The absolute need to resurrect the rights of the individual, local societies with dignity and respect that will not be dictated by a few, brutal force or profit but by the will and needs of the common good for all people and the planet all . Share.

This unholy war is, in essence, a battle between profit and principle, which is sadly breaking out all over the world.

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