Every parent I know wants nothing less than the best for their children. They want their children to be happy, healthy and intelligent. While every child is different and unique, as is every parent, there are some things you can do to help ensure your child is as happy, healthy, and intelligent as possible. Here is a list of the top ten parenting tips you can use to help ensure your child’s success in life:

Tip 1 – Command respect, don’t demand it. One of the bases of a good relationship with other people is mutual respect. As a parent, you must command respect from your children, through your actions and words, without demanding that they respect you. As your child learns to respect you in this way, he too will learn to demand respect from others, rather than trying to demand it.

Tip 2: Maintain healthy relationships with others. Whether it’s your spouse or your own friends, it’s important that you model good behavior in relationships with your children. By having strong relationships with your spouse and friends, you can show your children how to have strong, healthy relationships with you and the other people in their lives.

Tip 3 – Be a role model. Who do you want your children to emulate in their lives, a famous sports star or yourself? Parents should always want to be the number one role model for their children. You want to show them right from wrong, and you do this by being a role model they can emulate in their own lives. Show them how you live and how you do the right things in life, even when you have challenges.

Tip 4: Talk to your kids, not at them. It may be easier to tell your child not to do something or how to behave. However, if you take the time to talk with your children about your expectations and their expectations as well, you can have a healthy line of communication. This channel of communication will grow over the years and you will find that your children will come to you with the problems they need help with. If you talk to your children, they will be less likely to come to you because they will be afraid of lecturing and disapproving.

Tip 5 – Give unconditional love and support. The children are still growing and learning. Sometimes they will do things you don’t approve of, and they may not even understand what’s behind it. By always supporting your child with unconditional love, even during difficult times, you can show your child that you will always have her love and support. While you may not approve of their actions, they know you love them and you just don’t love the action they took.

Tip 6 – Show your support through positive reinforcement. Never use the words stupid, dumb, or other negative words to describe your children. Never tell them they are, or make them feel, less than. If your children are at school, they will hear enough negativity from other children when adults are not around. Train them with positive words at home, so they can deflect the negative words they hear when you’re not with them.

Tip 7 – Eat smart as a family. Eating habits begin at a very young age; what you eat as a child has a lot to do with your eating habits later in life. Give your children a good start by offering wholesome, healthy foods. If they start eating healthy from a very young age, they are likely to continue eating well throughout their lives. It’s much easier to get kids to eat healthy foods if that’s all they know.

Tip 8 – Play with your children – Often! Children learn through play. By playing with your children, you can teach them and they will think they are just playing. Teaching through play is a wonderful way to keep your children entertained and captivated by the lessons you want to instill in them.

Tip 9: Avoid bad toys, games, and TV. While it may be easier to turn on the TV for your child and let them watch what they want, this is not a good option. Television will constantly sell your child through advertisements that are very well designed to make your children want certain toys and games. If you can avoid as many bad toys, games and TV as possible, you’re on your way to much healthier and safer children.

Tip 10 – Educate your children with their toys. By buying educational toys for your children, you allow them to have fun and learn at the same time. One of the best places to buy your educational toys is through http://www.mychildplayhouses.com

Hopefully, these top ten parenting tips will help you raise your children to be happy, healthy, and intelligent adults while making the most of their precious childhood years.

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