The interview process is a very important phase of your career search. Due to the current trend of layoffs and projections of a down economy, both recent graduates and seasoned professionals are competing for the humblest entry-level positions. Possessing sharp interview skills is necessary if you want to maintain an edge in today’s highly competitive job market.

Proper preparation is key. When accepting an invitation for an interview, be sure to get as much information as possible from the appointment scheduler. Know the name and title of the interviewer and/or department head, the full title of the position for which they are being hired, and the department in which the position will be held. If you didn’t keep a copy of the job ad, or if the ad was too vague, try to get a complete job description as well. Visit the office before your interview, identify yourself as a potential candidate to the receptionist, and let her know that you just wanted to make sure of the exact location of the company so she won’t be alarmed by your unexpected arrival. . You can also request company documentation and a job description if you have not previously obtained it. Usually the receptionist will be willing to oblige. You can then use the information you’ve collected to learn more about the company and what your expected role will be. Browse the company’s website and locate your interviewer’s (or department head’s) bio, if one is available. Pay particular attention to the company’s mission and think of a statement that allows you to speak candidly about how your own values ​​align with the company’s goals.

Don’t leave him alone in company-specific research. Check out similar jobs and other companies operating in the same industry. Read the business section of local newspapers and trade magazines paying close attention to the status of public holdings. Look at current developments in the industry and the projected outlook for the field. Talk to people you know who are in comparable positions. Do a salary comparison so you know what type of compensation to expect and be in a better bargaining position when the subject comes up. The information you gain will prove valuable in letting the interviewer know that you are genuinely interested in the position and will give you more ammunition during the inevitable small talk that occurs at the beginning and end of an interview.

Give yourself a mock interview. Think about the answers to some of the most common interview questions, such as “Tell me about yourself?”, “What are your strengths…weaknesses?” and “where do you see yourself in five years?” Make sure your answers are positive. Turn negative experiences and weaknesses into strengths. For example, “I’m very focused, which is both a strength and a weakness because it prevents me from moving on to another task until I’ve completed the one I’m currently working on” or “I’m a very good listener, which often allows people to take advantage of my time.” with unnecessary talk.” Write down three to five facts from your research that could become a great answer to the popular question, “why do you want to work for this company?” Also, create a list of questions to ask the interviewer. This is an interview for both the company and you.

Knowledge is only half the battle. You should also look at the piece. The popular advice is to dress professionally. While this isn’t bad advice, it’s not always practical to follow. During your data collection visit to the company, you should also have taken a good look at how the employees were dressed and taken into account what the industry standard is. You don’t want to show up to an interview in four-inch heels to find you have to walk on a slippery factory floor, nor do you want to be in jeans and sneakers to sit down with the CFO of a major marketing firm. . The general rule of thumb is to never wear less than a pair of slacks and loafers and to always be well groomed with minimal jewelry (you may get a few piercings out for a day) and no excessive makeup. Times are changing fast, but the old traditions still hold true to form. Unless it’s an acceptable practice for the company you’re looking to get hired with, cover up the tattoos and save yourself another day to try that new green and purple hair dye.

This really should go without saying, but be on time. You should arrive approximately ten to fifteen minutes before your interview. You don’t want to be too early as this tends to confuse your interviewer and you don’t want to be late at all. Tardiness is not an attribute you want to give your potential employer as a first impression. Now this may surprise you, but your interviewer shouldn’t be late either. Remember, you are there to interview the company just as the company is interviewing you, so your time must be respected as well. An appropriate wait time for an interview is no more than thirty minutes. Most employers allow ten to fifteen minutes for your arrival and an additional fifteen minutes for any paperwork you need to complete. Anything longer than half an hour is an abuse of your time and a reason for you to reconsider your candidacy with the company.

During the interview, be energetic and optimistic. Be articulate and self-aware. Use good attentive body language and refrain from gum chewing, knuckle cracking, thumb twiddling and any other annoying habits. Turn off cell phones or pagers. Wear a genuine smile and maintain good eye contact. Ask the interviewer if you can take notes and actually do so by marking any of the prepared questions that are answered. Take your time so as not to rush responses. This will be especially helpful if you are asked a difficult or unexpected question such as “if you were a fruit, what kind of fruit would you be and why?” Many interviewers like to throw these types of questions at you to see how you can handle stress or the unexpected. Taking your time will allow your senses to get over the initial shock so you can think of a creative answer to the question. Ask the remaining questions on your prepared list. Stay away from the talk of wages and benefits. Most interviewers will bring it up themselves, but if they don’t, make sure it’s not among their first questions. End the interview with a firm handshake and ask for a business card. Be sure to ask how soon it will be before you can expect an answer.

Follow up the interview with a thank you card or letter. In the letter, you should link to any information you left out during the interview that may improve your grades, and recap the important points of the discussion to show that you were listening. It’s helpful to add a personal tidbit using any small talk the interviewer may have offered. For example, the interviewer may have mentioned that his wife is pregnant. You could say something like, “Congratulations on joining the ranks of fatherhood.” The interviewer will be flattered by the sentiment and more likely to remember her name.

Interviews can be tough, but with the right preparation, you can get ahead of the competition. Be as honest, courteous, and professional as possible. Remember, skills and qualifications are only a fraction of the selection process. Most companies hire based on who they liked the most rather than who was more qualified.

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