There is a specific energy that flows between the Twin Flames. It is extraordinary and rare. The frequency that travels between them is distinguished by vibration, clarity, and intensity. Twin Flame relationships are more unique than you might imagine.

Many support the theory that everyone has a twin flame. In reality, Twin Flames are a small and distinct subset of all souls. The twins do not share a soul, but their divine resonance is the same. Imagine identical human twins. Genetically identical, but they have individual life experiences, right? Translate that to souls. Not all souls are created as twins. Just as human twins are the same but different; it’s like that with Twin Souls.

Many people feel pain thinking that they have met their Twin Flame; they are having a hard time accepting the relationship or lack of relationship. They have actually met a soul mate or, in some cases, are trying to wrap the “soul mate” label around a relationship that may be nothing more than a dysfunctional human relationship.

Nobody wants to be unhappy. Nobody wants to be miserable … but some people don’t know how to break that cycle and instead choose unhealthy relationships and try to ‘explain’ them with a spiritual label. They give credibility to their unhappy state by convincing themselves that they are having a “spiritual” or “twin flame” connection and therefore have no way out and are doomed to be miserable. These are pretty easy to spot because they commonly blame the other party and like to talk about the mean and hateful things they say or text their “connection”. If you recognize yourself in that last sentence, I can guarantee 100% that you are not in a Twin-Flame relationship.

There are others who are having an undeniable soulmate experience with a high-level soul family member. In these cases, many of the things you experience parallel a Twin Soul connection.

There is nothing right or wrong here. There are not best and no worse. There are not more gold less important, but there are differences. There would be a lot less pain experienced if people were more educated about what exactly a Twin Flame relationship is and is not. Those who struggle and struggle and wonder if they are having a Soulmate experience might be relieved to know that they probably aren’t.

Twins and non-twins incarnate with a unique and vital purpose. No one is required to have a human experience. We all come here to learn. Some come to teach. Many of us do both.

The big difference is that non-twins are not energetically linked to another specific soul, whereas twins have an identical energy source or soul. To be clear, they don’t share a soul, they are not two incomplete halves. They were created and born as twins who respectively carry the same resonant energy source (soul).

The Twin Souls path is difficult, but that could be said for all souls.

Each and every soul, whether they have a Twin or not, has a primary contractual agreement with the universe / god / source. That contract is about fulfilling, to the best of our ability, the maximum possible growth of our own soul in a particular lifetime and, ultimately, what we plan to achieve by the time of our final incarnation. We have secondary contracts between us (soul family). We have other agreements in which we promise to learn (or teach) specific things to (or from) other specific souls. These are the elements of fate: We will * meet *, but it is up to the individuals to achieve, delay, or avoid contractual duties.

We wouldn’t be Twins incarnate together if it weren’t divinely significant. I don’t think there is such a thing as “uniting your inner Twin Flame”. It is more accurate to say that each twin, regardless of each other, must discover and master (or nearly master) specific skills that the twins were sent here to learn first and teach second. I referred to a subset of souls before. Just like some teachers teach math, some science, and some art … not all souls come to teach the same things. Of course there is an overlap and we are all here to learn about kindness, love, compassion, empathy, etc. We can learn that and teach it to many.

Soulmates have been hired to have a particular soul curriculum that teaches them exactly what they need to know in order to (1) reunite with their twin and (2) uplift and educate souls who are willing to hear the message that only twin flames carry.

You can’t teach something you don’t know. Twins must LEARN first. We learn by remembering and experimenting. When we think we are smart enough, we are forced to learn more. Our twins make us. We also do this for them. When the twins are sufficiently prepared, they bond in a way that is enjoyable for both of them. Your individual energies, talents, knowledge and abilities are transformed.

This is the time when individual souls merge / bond / infuse each other and their energies begin to exceed the sum of their individual parts. One plus one equals one million.

If you are not a Twin Flame, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You must trust that the contract between your soul and the universe / god does not depend on the soul of another.

If you are sure, truly sure, that you are a Twin … it is your duty, your obligation, your mission, your divine responsibility … to heal whatever wounds you have left and to learn and educate yourself as much as possible. possible. When you have learned enough about soul communication and energy healing, you can begin working with your Twin on a non-physical level. Any contact in the human The level must be soul-based (as opposed to human / ego) … and you are easily forgiven when you’re wrong.

The twins would not have been selected for this difficult job if they and the universe / god weren’t sure they could honor their agreement.

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