Today’s work environment is different. What’s different is that there are more ways to influence getting a job than in the past. The old saying is true: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Well, the number of people you meet has expanded a bit thanks to social media. What people know about you has also grown thanks in part to the various tools you can use on social media.

Here are some tips that you can use to build your online presence for your online career and business.

Use your blog as a resume

Think of your blog as a place where you can write your experience almost line by line. For example, share what you know about using video, blogging, creating podcasts, or whatever experience you have. Illustrate how to tie it all into one strategy. This will show what you have accomplished in your career and in your life.

Use free (or at least low-cost) tools (like blogspot or weebly) with cheap distribution to article directories (like ezines), social networking sites (like Digg, Reddit, or StumbleUpon) so you can share your achievements with the world. world. By using some basic search engine optimization techniques, you can position your experience to receive high page rankings in Google search engines so potential employers and clients can easily find you when looking for people with your experience.

Better make sure and put your photo on your blog.

Make your About page very informative so people know who you are, what you’re passionate about, and how people can contact you.

Add a conversation page to let people know what you’re talking about at events.

By putting these elements on your blog, Google will help your prospective employers and clients figure out how to promote your web presence.

Create a Social Media Resume

Create a profile on LinkedIn because it provides a baseline. It’s like a resume with other added features; these include your Twitter feed, blog posts can be displayed, your Amazon reading list can be displayed, and other social media sites and blogs can be listed. LinkedIn is a way to network with other professionals in your field and a way to find people who share common interests.

Use social media for networking

Social media provides an opportunity for someone to learn more about you through repeat interactions. For example, if we’re friends on Twitter, you can see what I think is interesting enough to post in a box that contains 140 characters. If we’re friends on Facebook, you’ll learn a lot about my interests and likes from what I put on my profile, what groups I belong to, and what I post on my wall.

One more thing about Facebook is that you can learn a lot more about me than you can on LinkedIn, so you’ll get a richer profile of who I am. I also have photos on Twitpic and send out Tweets that link to my various photos. My Twitter account is linked to Facebook and LinkedIn, so my Tweets are posted to both Facebook and LinkedIn. If you’re looking at my resume on LinkedIn and notice a tweet popping up that has a link to Twitpic, you can click on it and see photos of me in a social setting. That’s the value of having these tools together, as they actually provide an opportunity to show a richer view of who I am.

Social media is a great way to provide touchpoints to understand someone’s personal interests, social activities, and likes, while also learning about their professional background.

Provide a bonus by adding a video to your site

Consider uploading a video about yourself or providing a link to a video you’ve uploaded to your YouTube channel. There is something different and more intimate about you when you make a video… people can see who you are and how you act in a video.

Making a video is not difficult. Use a Flip video camera and record short 1-2 minute videos on topics of interest. Transfer the video from your Flip to your computer, then upload it to your YouTube channel.

A side benefit of images and videos on your blog and website is that they build trust…it lets people who see you know that you are real and, based on how you appear on screen, can be trusted. you.

Engage prospects, employers and customers in your territory

A lot has changed in recent years. Popular blogs and websites now have their own job boards, like 37Signals and Tech Crunch…it’s not just Monster or HotJobs. People and individuals are becoming workplaces; And don’t forget Craigslist.

Sometimes jobs don’t circulate in traditional places and the people who might want to find them are the same ones who are spending time online to interact with them on their turf!

My own advice is for individuals, entrepreneurs, and small businesses to establish an online presence and effectively use social media marketing strategies to reach your customers, grow your business, and generate profit.

By using the Internet to market your products and drive sales, you’ll be using the key tactics you need to succeed in the new economy. It is clear that the next industrial revolution is upon us, and indeed, it is happening online. The Internet is the new global stage for the modern symphony of commerce. Those who learn to harness this powerful platform will be its drivers; and they will make music and money at the same time.

Many high-profile business leaders, including the Oracle of Omaha, suggest that if you don’t focus on being an online entrepreneur, being self-employed, or owning a small business, it’s going to be a very difficult road in the months and years. forward; they actually say it will be an uphill battle.

This suggestion is attracting current and former doctors, CEOs and other members of the corporate workforce who are looking for a way to leave their lucrative and established careers. They are looking for new opportunities in the world of social networking and internet marketing so that they can generate income, prestige, independence and financial rewards that exceed the levels achieved by most in their previous careers.

This article, and the related article, will continue to provide a blueprint for making money online with internet marketing. You’ll find step-by-step roadmaps for various parts of the internet marketing business. You’ll find material that provides an entrepreneurial game plan that creates a new approach to work, family, and lifestyle. You’ll find tools, education, training and support. And you’ll find a community of like-minded entrepreneurs using the Internet to get out of debt, build wealth, and secure their financial future forever.

I hope you enjoy the articles and I trust you will find them interesting! Let me know what you think.

Finally, I would like to wish you all the best for a happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

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