A chi exercise machine or Chi vitalizer is a machine that is the result of 38 years of study, experimentation, and development. It is a medical device approved by the FDA in the United States in the category of class I and also in several other advanced countries. The device works on the principle that exercise in the pelvic regions can impart the lateral oscillation of the pelvis that leads to oxygenate the body through passive aerobic exercise.

The machine has a box-shaped structure with an ankle support, that is, a place to store the ankles. The vibrations are electrically motivated at a rate of 140 oscillations per minute, although we now have a variable speed machine that has 80-160 oscillations per minute.


The device is designed to be used when lying down and placing the ankles in the cribs and turning the machine on for a 4-6 minute stretch. Chi machine reviews point to the fact that after turning off the machine, one can feel the flow of energy from the lower body to the upper body. The user can control the oscillations through an adjustment procedure according to the perfect adaptation speed for their body type and intensity level. One can place their hands to the side or above the head to engage more muscles.


Historically, chi devices were invented by a Japanese engineer named Keiichi Ohashi, in 1988, although the idea is said to be from a Japanese scientist, Dr. Shizuo Inoue. In Japan, this exercise is known as “the goldfish exercise.” There are countless studies and experiments that have proven the effectiveness of chi exercise machines.

How they help

The machine can help people in many ways to know. Increase flexibility, relieve swollen ankles, eliminate lymphedema, cure back pain, reduce high blood pressure. This is a cool and powerful body massage technique that heals the nervous system, strengthens immunity, and helps our body in a thousand different ways.

Popular features that chi machines offer are

Provides lymphatic massage and thus removes toxicity from the body.

Build good spinal alignment and poor posture correction.

It increases the blood circulation in the body, the production of blood cells and the activities of the bone marrow.

It provides more oxygen to the lungs and thus increases energy level, activity, capacity and mental focus.

Reduces nerve pain and muscle fatigue, resulting in relief from weakening pain.

Produces a tune-up of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), relieving insomnia, digestive problems and constipation.

However, being the best on the market has its own downsides. These machines are so popular that many rogue organizations have adopted them as a way to make money; mimicking devices. The green symbol of the chi machine represents authenticity. So one last warning: pay attention when shopping.

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