I know some people really enjoy the grocery shopping experience, but I have a problem. Let me explain.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t particularly like grocery shopping for a number of reasons, some of which include:

I lose a few hours of my time that I could be using for other, more fun activities, like doing laundry or doing the dishes.

I have to spend a lot of my taxable income to buy food that I can pay more tax on.

I have to carry groceries from the store to the car, from the cart to the trunk, from the trunk to the house, to the refrigerator, to the freezer, and to the cabinets.

I feel compelled to spend the next half hour cleaning out the fridge before I put the new food in there.

So I feel guilty about all the food I wasted on the last shopping trip!

However, the worst part of grocery shopping? The part that makes me break out in a cold sweat before I even leave the house? The fruit and vegetable aisle.

I start to get anxious a few halls down the road. I tell myself “this time it will be better”. I try to stay positive. The first time I pick up an apple and go put it in one of those flimsy tissue-paper-thin plastic bags, I realize I’m wrong. It’s not better this time. Why, oh why, can’t I open these bags? What is wrong with me? I try to peel it off…nothing. I rub it between my fingers and thumb…nothing. I try both hands…nothing. I look around, knowing that people are looking at me, judging me, because I can’t open the bag. The ONLY way I have found to make it work is to use water. I can’t lick my fingers and do it though, because my fingers have now touched every germ in the entire store. To do? Here is my solution to this problem.

Grab a bunch of bags, separate them into individual bags, and head to the refrigerated section of the produce department. Try to be casual about it; pick up a pepper, examine it, pick up something else. Try not to look creepy. Wait for the automatic sprinklers to come on and reach under them to get them all wet. Grab your individual bags, open them all at once and calmly finish your produce shopping business.

No problem!

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