Prescription drug abuse is extremely common in the United States with large numbers of school-age children turning to such drugs for their effects. It is the second most abused category of drugs after marijuana, according to estimates from the Office of National Drug Control Policy. The National Institutes of Health estimates that about one in five people in the US have used prescription drugs for non-medical reasons at some point.

Below are common categories of prescription drugs that are abused and ways a home drug test can be used to avoid and prevent abuse.

Oxycodone – A prescription drug that is a pain reliever that can provide a heroin-like high when taken in amounts greater than prescribed. A simple Oxycontin home test can determine if oxycodone or similar medications such as hydrocodone (collectively known as Vicodin) have been used in the past few days. The detection period of this home drug test is approximately 2-4 days. The Oxycontin test detects up to 100 nanograms per mL in the urine sample being tested.

Benzodiazepines – These are drugs like Valium, Xanax, and Ativan that are usually prescribed for the treatment of anxiety. The tranquilizing or sedative effect that the drug has is hypnotic in nature and also relaxes the muscles. This category of drugs is habit forming and withdrawal symptoms can also be extremely dangerous. This is mainly because the continued slowing down of the brain can result in a breakthrough when the drug has not been consumed, leading to seizures and bleeding. An easy home Xanax drug test can detect whether Xanax or a drug in this drug category has been consumed with 96% accuracy and a detection period of 3 days to a week after consumption.

Amphetamines: These are drugs like Ritalin and Adderall that are used to treat ADHD. Abuse of this prescription drug has increased massively among teens, a recent study reports. An amphetamine test is available so you can detect drugs like Ritalin even when consumed within regular prescribed levels.

A home drug test like an Oxycontin test, amphetamine test, or Xanax drug test can help prevent abuse in the first place. Once a child or teen knows that their parents are aware of the type of abuse these prescription drugs can be subjected to, they may refrain from using them recreationally.

It is also important to discuss the possibility of prescription drug abuse and the negative effects of taking these drugs in advance, if you have prescription drugs available at home.

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