As a parent, I am always amazed at how children can visualize what they want. If you ask them about their wishes, they almost instinctively know that almost anything is possible. When my kids were little, they would make a list to make sure I knew what their favorite toys were. If you ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, they’ll tell you Fireman, Astronaut, Pilot, Doctor or my daughter’s personal favorite, a Princess. The point is that nothing is impossible in life, nothing, but you must have the right thought process before it becomes reality.

It’s important to understand “the right thought process” when it comes to bringing your thoughts to life. You can win whatever you want. What you want and deserve are the same, but they can also cancel each other out. If you want something that you “think” you don’t deserve, you will stop or severely slow down the process. I know this may sound like double talk. Some will say, well, if I can have whatever I want, why do I have so little? The simple answer is that you don’t understand “the right thought process.”

This process is not complex and is within your capacity. I’m sure you’ll be able to use it to get what you want in life, both big and small. Below is a simple list of things you need to do to get positive results. Trust me, they have worked for me and they will work for you too.

“The right thought process to get what you want”

1. Visualize what you want and really understand what you want. If you are single and want a new relationship, set your standards high and be specific. If you want to be debt free, visualize it. After visualizing what you want, write it down in detail. By writing it down, it helps you stay focused on the future.

2. Focus on how it will make you happy to have what you want. Don’t be afraid to think of anything as real. In your mind it is the absolute reality and you have no doubt. Close your eyes and smile when you think about it.

3. Take action when you feel inspired. Feelings of inspiration can arise even while driving in a traffic jam in Los Angeles. Don’t be intimidated into taking action when you feel inspired, as long as it’s in a positive way. Write it down at the next red light, but don’t forget to go when the light turns green.

4. Always focus on what you want and never on what you don’t want. If you focus on what you don’t want, it will cancel steps 1 and 2. And always show gratitude for what you receive.

I know this sounds too simple to be true, but it works. It works for anything you want in life. The process is easy to remember and just as easy to practice in real life. I have had success in my life practicing these simple steps.

In short, a recent example of “the right thought process, focus on what you want” occurred with my nephew. My brother took his nine-year-old son to a St. Louis Cardinal baseball playoff game. My nephew loves baseball and he is an avid fan and player. He had happy thoughts of going to the ball game with his father. He has always wanted to receive a foul ball at a Cardinals game, which is why he always carries his baseball glove with him. He hoped to get a foul ball one day. That kid caught a ball with his baseball glove during the playoff game. That’s a true story and I can’t wait to see that little guy smile in person as he tells his “Uncle Rick” how he caught that baseball in St. Louis. I hope you have a wonderful day and remember, “Focus on what you want.”

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