Do you want a boy to chase you? Of course, in a not strange way. The answer is yes”

Do you want some excitement in your love life? “Yes again.

Do you want me to test the guy before I take him away? “YES”

Then read on.

Every game has its rules. You just need to pay attention to the rules and be a winner. So let’s play the “How to play hard to get” game.

What is the definition of “hard to get”?

Women think they know what the above term means. But actually, they don’t. The object of the game is to excite a man and not drive him away. He must feel an intense desire to meet you. But at the same time you must know that you can do it. It’s complicated. Because if you think there’s no point in chasing you, he might just give up on you.

Master the tricks.

A player only wins if he knows the tricks of the game. Smiling is your first card. It lets him know that you like him. Don’t say yes to all of his invitations. This will show him that you are available at all times. Avoid his calls from time to time. Delay the call. Build the mystery. Have a life of your own. Let him know that you are perfectly capable of leading your life without him. Stay busy by taking hobby classes, shopping, hanging out with your friends. This will give him an idea that he will have to work hard to get to you.

What does this game do to your life?

Men love challenges. Chasing a woman is especially exciting. What if she’s being difficult? The excitement continues to grow. If she gets it the easy way, she may not realize your true value. If you take a step back, he will take another step. Imagine the fun and flavor you will add. The spicy, the better. Make him go crazy for you. Chasing can be fun for both of you.

Enjoy the game.

The most essential element of any game is to “enjoy it”. Make your dates memorable. Do things like wear his favorite color or hold his hand. You will remember next time. This will let him know that you are enjoying his company. Add a special flavor every time you meet it. Make him wonder ‘what’s his next move?’ Let him do the guessing.

Playing this game is great. But “playing” with his feelings is not. You need to be careful. You have to play well. One wrong move and it’s gone. If you expect honesty and truth, so does he. Remember that good things are always hard to come by.

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