Cultural events today are a dime a dozen in educational institutions in India and abroad. A college education experience offers the student not only academic and social opportunities, but also a variety of other experiences. Conferences, seminars, meetings, cultural festivals, campus social events, volunteer/community activities, conferences, and career fairs are some of the opportunities. available for today’s students to network and create opportunities for themselves. These events also translate into social and professional relationships with your contacts from the cultural event so that both of you can forge a win-win relationship with each other.

In college, most parents expect their students to work hard on their studies and do well on exams. This is emphasized more if the exam is a career defining one such as the 12 standard exams. Not many parents encourage their children to network through these kinds of social and cultural events in colleges as they feel that these events are a waste of time for both students and universities, but that is not the case. Parents invariably feel that the child’s attention will be diverted from studies if she participates in cultural and social events at her university.

However, the benefits of this type of event are many. There are five main reasons why students should participate in social and cultural events at the university. These reasons are:

– They allow students to connect to the resources available in their schools, take advantage of the available resources for their benefit, since the responsibility of taking advantage of the university’s resources for their improvement and growth falls on the students. This can only be possible by getting involved in cultural and social events that take place at the university.

– Helps them build community: Participating in such events forces students to leave behind their families and sometimes their friends, to work with a new group of people, who may then become their friends.

– Allows them to discover their passions and strengths: Participating in participation will allow students to measure their passions, their abilities, their opportunities, strengths and weaknesses. Knowing all this would help them decide their career path after college education.

– Is a résumé builder: Participating in these types of events will add to the résumé, that is, the student’s contribution will be noted on the résumé as an extracurricular activity, and it will be an achievement if they win an award. in the event.

– Sometimes busier children do better in all areas: This is highly dependent on the individual student and cannot be generalized to all students, but it has been found that more free time does not always equate to better grades. Being involved will involve some time management on the part of the student, which will help them to manage more important activities in their professional life.

Figuring out one’s niche on campus may be easier said than done. However, only by participating or getting involved in various events and activities as participants or volunteers can students benefit both professionally and spiritually.

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