The best thing

What is the greatest thing that has happened to you? Have you read an ezine article lately, or was it meeting your spouse, having children, getting a new job, getting a promotion, starting a business, getting your first home, breaking addiction, succeeding in sports? , art, music or more?

a big dream

There is a big dream in store for all of us! Any life connected to this dream has the power to make it come true!

4 powerful things about a dream

There are 4 things I have discovered about your dream that release power to carry it out…

1. The POWER is in the SIZE

Everything truly great begins with a great dream. We have all been given the ability to dream incredible dreams. This is our way of connecting with the infinite and the ability to engage with the seemingly impossible.

Where our hopes seem to end, a great dream just begins! If we stop dreaming when we see the impossible, we stop the big dream from doing the impossible for us!

2. POWER is in the FIGHT

Where there is a struggle, we can seize a great dream so that emotional energy is released to sustain us through the trials of life.

We are constantly going through struggles; Welcome to life! However, dreams energize our soul so that battles don’t stop us, struggles don’t define us, and problems become our stepping stones to success.

3. The POWER is in the SOURCE

Greatness is the source of your dream, so greatness is the resource of your dream! Do not doubt the power of your dream to rescue you!

If we look to ourselves for inspiration, we will get limited results! As we turn toward the greatness of our dream, we get an unlimited supply of enthusiasm, creativity, passion, inspiration, energy, power, positivity, favor, provision, promotion, and more!

4. The POWER is in the STEPS

By going out we show that greatness exists. As we take a step towards our dreams, we break down doors of limitations in our lives.

Each step has a ripple effect. By overcoming obstacles in life, we open doors for others! This is the legacy of a person who pursues a big dream!

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