Learn to use perspective to handle criticism related to past events. What will you do when you try to talk casually about what happened in the past and get criticized? When criticized, don’t attack emotionally. I know that is easier said than done. Sometimes I have found myself feeling one way, but reacting in another way. How do you use discipline as emotional protection to eliminate and manage stress? Do you remember exactly what you were doing at this time yesterday? Do you know what you were doing 10 years ago? Where did you find yourself in a past event that you now remember with strong negative emotions? Here are tips and strategies for managing pain and criticism of past events.

If you want to properly handle criticism of your encounters with others based on past events, you must be strategic in your encounters with others. The first thing to understand is that everyone you speak to is approaching the encounter from their own perspective. For some people, a negative past event is simply a difficult time, but for others it is still an emotional wound that cannot heal. Every encounter you have with others is an opportunity for you to use your emotional discipline to handle the conversation or criticism more effectively. What will you do when someone asks you a question that you don’t like? What will you do? Did someone react in a way that you weren’t expecting to the little talk you were trying to make? What are you going to do?

When criticism takes you to a disturbing place, hit the pause button. Trust that the process you have already determined works best for you and start over. Discipline and self-confidence will help you determine when to speak, when to listen, or just walk away. Constant pressure can occur through your daily interactions with others. How can you use discipline as emotional protection to handle stress or criticism in your daily circumstances?

You must have the discipline to remain strategic in your response to an emotionally charged response to a past event. Sometimes this can mean disappointing your friends and family. It may mean that you cannot be attacked and called by that person by whom a past event gets into a discussion about the meaning of past events. You can do it? Can you handle the pressure when the negative comments start pouring in? Can you refuse to participate in the activities that you really enjoy so that you can focus on the activities that will help you grow? Do you have the discipline to refuse to be distracted by the latest trend or latest outburst of anger based on pain from a previous event? When you get to the point where you can focus more consistently and achieve your daily mini-goals, you will begin to use tips and strategies more consistently to handle the stress of pain and criticism from past events.

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