If you have one of these men in your life, men who only disappear to reappear, it can be frustrating. He goes full throttle one day, then it can be days or even weeks or longer before you hear from him again. A man who comes and goes. Do you often wonder why he disappeared if he’s just coming back?

These men are most of the time just keeping you warm in the background. It’s not that they don’t like you, they do. They just don’t like you enough. Many times, when a man treats you this way, it is very possible that he has a woman that he is attached to and who keeps him in the background. When she disappears into him, he searches for you.

If it’s not another woman, you may have commitment issues. He can’t commit to being with you, nor can he commit to being without you. Commitment issues are one of the reasons why men disappear. Not being able to commit in any way is a sure sign. These men are famous for resurfacing.

If you’re in love with a man who resurfaces or disappears, I feel sorry for you. It’s definitely an emotional roller coaster. You’re elated when he’s around him, but you have a lingering fear because you start to expect the disappearing act from him. It’s hard to feel safe unless he’s really with you. It’s the time he’s not with you that drives you crazy.

You probably go through it over and over in your head and think about how you could change this. How could you get him to stay and commit? You tell yourself that he must care because he keeps coming back. I’m sure he cares, but like I said, not enough to stick around. A man has to feel a deep attraction on an emotional level to stay.

If the sex is great, that may be the only thing holding you back. However, sex does not equal love, sorry. Sex won’t stop a man from disappearing. If you keep giving him sex, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Good enough for sex but not good enough for the girlfriend is not really where you want to be.

The man who returns to the surface rarely changes and will continue in this crazy game as long as you are available to him. The main reason a man reappears in and out of your life is because you let him. Meanwhile, his options are open. Disappearing men always have their options open, you can bet on that.

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